How To Get Rid of Water Bugs

How To Get Rid of Water Bugs

When it comes to the most unpleasant type of house pests, water bugs are sure to enjoy the crowned glory in the first place. These great cockroach creatures are extremely difficult to live and even more disgusting to kill. Fortunately, there are many easy solutions that can help you eliminate water problems. Also read about How To Get Rid of Water Bugs

This will make your home less hospitable to these pests and will help remove them completely from your home.

Why Use Natural Remedies For Water Insects?

You may be wondering why we offer you to use natural remedies to get rid of water bugs when you have the easy option of hiring a professional exterminator.

As simple as it is, exterminators generally use chemicals to remove water insects. So, if you have small children or pets at home, there is a major risk in this process. They also charge you high amounts, and several times you also have to completely empty the house to allow them to use the chemicals to kill the water insects.

Why involve yourself in such a troubling and expensive process when you can easily distribute them with the help of natural remedies completely safe and inexpensive?

Types of water bugs

Water insects are in fact an umbrella term that covers a large number of aquatic insects that belong to the “true insects” classification. They are completely different from any other type of insects that are usually found around ponds and lakes because they do not have gills to breathe. They use oxygen directly from the air.

Those who prefer to live underwater, carry sufficient amounts of oxygen in the form of bubbles or as air duct in the waterproof hair on their bodies.

Let’s take a look at different types of water bugs

Water Scorpion

These water insects get this name because of their gripping clamps that are very similar to the forequarters of a scorpion. There are two different types of water scorpions – one is very thin and looks like a small stick, while the other variety is wider and crazier. They are carnivorous and attack their prey with their avant-garde.

Back Swimmer

They get their name because of the fact that they can swim upside down while lying on their backs, with their legs on or near the surface of the water. They have very large eyes and they cover most of their head. They are predators and feed on other smaller aquatic animals, such as aquatic larvae and bloodworms. They are also known to deliver an extremely painful bite to humans.

Giant Water Bug

They are the largest of all water insects and are commonly found in areas where water is almost immobile. They feed on aquatic invertebrates, small fish, and tadpoles. Besides their large size, they can also be recognized by their pointed peak on the underside and overlap the wings at the tip of the abdomen.

Water Boatman

There are over 500 species of water aquariums. They can be up to 13 mm long, with triangular heads and a body marked by distinct brown and black striations. They are mainly non-predators and feed on algae and aquatic plants.

Water Striders

They are long and flat insects. They can be easily recognized by their second and third pairs of legs, which are normally twice as long as their bodies. They have small insects & larvae that fall on the surface of a water. They do not usually attack humans in general.

How To Get Rid of Water BugsExcellent ways to get rid of water insects

Let’s look at some of the simplest and most effective home remedies to eliminate water bugs.

Vinegar Spray

Vinegar is a source of anti-bacterial properties; Therefore, it makes it possible to rule out any bacteria caused by water insects. In addition, vinegar also has features that help kill water insects and prevent them from increasing in number.

Vinegar should be used with the highest concentration of vinegar available at home. Otherwise, use a larger volume to get rid of water bugs.

Cooking Oil

How to remove water insects with oil? This is the method. The cooking oil does not mix with water, thus separating insects from the water. Insects begin to float on the surface of the water.

When insects are transferred to the bucket with oil, a reaction in the presence of heat, oil and limited oxygen will help kill the water insects, which would have given birth to their infants in large numbers, reducing Thus the condition.


Diatom is a natural product that will have a direct impact on the outer shell of the water and will help to destroy the protective coating. When a larger amount is applied, the water insects will be affected internally after the destruction of the outer protective layer.

In addition, diatoms will prevent further growth of water insects in the area under the effect of the natural substance. This is the common answer to how to get rid of water bugs.

Hot Water

Insects do not tolerate the warm temperature, mainly because their outer protective shell tends to decompose. Therefore, as the number of water bugs increases, the boiling time and the amount of water increase.

In addition, hot water also helps to clean the area, which can be affected by dirt or fungus; The main reason for the birth of water insects in the region. This will solve the problem of how to kill water insects.


The alcohol helps to dry the area covered by the fluid. When they are excessively sprayed, the insects and their eggs dry up and cause them to die.

Note that after the bugs are killed, be sure to follow the method again, as eggs may appear and cause additional insects to breed in the area. This will be the simplest remedy against how to get rid of water insects.

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