10 Benefits of Drinking Chocolate Milk for Nutrition Recovery

10 Benefits of Drinking Chocolate Milk for Nutrition Recovery

Benefits of Drinking Chocolate Milk. Chocolate milk is good to take after a workout. It is indeed very nutritious and helps an athlete to gain energy quickly again after a workout.

To replenish the electrolytes in the body, one needs to have one of those sports drinks. Yet, few people come across an advertisement on TV about chocolate milk as an option for athletes after a workout or a game. It is good to have and know about chocolate milk, milk nutrition facts.


Recovery happens to be the window of time when the athlete needs to replenish his or her stores of energy after a vigorous workout or activity. Most high school athletes are participating daily in two hours or longer of vigorous workouts or younger athletes on highly competitive club teams with equally rigorous workouts can indeed benefit from drinking a glass of chocolate low-fat milk after an intense workout.

It is important to know all that there is to know about chocolate milk, milk nutrition facts.

10 Benefits of Drinking Chocolate Milk for Nutrition Recovery


• Fluid as well as electrolytes for hydration
• Protein source for muscle repair
• Carbohydrate source to replenish energy stores for the next practice
• Chocolate in the milk does boost the carbohydrate supplied to one’s muscles and liver
• Low-cost replenishing option
• Often available in the school cafeteria
• Quick and potentially portable
• For some athletes, it may be easier to tolerate a beverage versus food shortly after a workout
• Replenishes required vitamins
• It does taste great and kids typically do love to drink chocolate milk
Using milk as a recovery fuel will indeed also boost the athlete’s calcium as well as vitamin D intake. A person might be surprised to know that vitamin D deficiency among children is becoming increasingly more common. Vitamin D deficiency can indeed have a serious effect on growing bones as well as bone strength later in life.


Not necessarily. While they happen to be almost always more expensive than milk, some products do contain more than one can bargain for, including caffeine, herbs, mega doses of vitamins and even contaminants such as melamine and lead. In case, a person finds that the athlete prefers supplement beverages, then be sure to read the label and choose wisely.


Finally, if the child is milk is allergic or intolerant other kinds of milk are available. Examples of these include fortified soy or almond milk. However, additional protein is needed to match that of cow’s milk. This can be supplied by a small handful of nuts, for example.

So, the next time effort is made to pick up the athlete after a long practice and dinner are still over an hour away, then it is better to think about bringing him or her an 8-12 ounces of cold chocolate low-fat milk for the ride home. Their muscles will appreciate it.

Every person needs to find out more about and all that there is to know about chocolate milk, milk nutrition facts.

also read: Nutrition Benefits of Tamarind Fruit

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