10 Environmental Benefits of Planting a Tree

10 Environmental Benefits of Planting a Tree

Trees are worth planting as the social benefits of planting trees are manifold. The importance of planting trees cannot be negated as there are several benefits of planting plants.

Many people like to build gardens by planting trees. They either do it as a hobby or to make their home surroundings beautiful. Also, trees turn out to be extra shade in the summer months. The social benefits of planting trees are manifold.

No doubt, there are several other benefits of planting trees. However, there are more benefits from trees than one might think. One can relax under a tree and its calming effect improves overall well-being. It helps to live in a conducive environment. It is better not to overlook the importance of planting trees.

1. Reduces Climate Change

Trees breathe out oxygen in the morning hours and therefore it is good to take morning walks. People usually are good at building up excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Harmful CO2 does contribute to climate change, which happens to be the biggest current problem the world has to deal with. Trees do help fight it. They absorb CO2 thus removing it from the air and storing it while at the same time releasing oxygen. 

2. Purifying Air

A person wants clean air in the woods or by the seaside. Trees purify the air. Beaches have palm trees and are full of fresh air. Trees absorb pollutant gases such as nitrogen oxides, ozone, ammonia, sulfur dioxide. Trees also in fact absorb odors and act as a filter as little particulates do get trapped in leaves. The benefits of planting plants are worth taking note of.

3. Cooling Down the Streets

Global warming is not new to people. Removing trees and replacing them with heat-absorbing asphalt roads and buildings increase the temperature. Trees are cool cities by up to 10 F by providing shade as well as releasing water.

4. Natural Air Conditioning

The coolness of trees is a good substitute for air conditioning needs. Carbon dioxide and emissions from power plants are reduced. Architects and environmentalists do come out with green roofs. Green roofs are an amazing way to incorporate vegetation into one’s home and provide environmental benefits for one’s community while saving money on cooling bills.

5. Saving Water

Trees do help save water. As they provide shade, water will evaporates slowly from low vegetation. Trees do require about 15 water gallons a week to survive, and they do release about 200-450 gallons of water per day.

6. Preventing Water Pollution

Stormwater is known to be full of phosphorus pollutants and nitrogen. Without trees, stormwater tends to flow into oceans and waters without being filtered. Trees break the rainfall and thus allows water to enter the earth and seep into the soil. Therefore, they do prevent stormwater from polluting oceans. Except for trees, green infrastructure such as green roofs can help soothe the effects of stormwater.

7. Providing Shelters for Wildlife

Trees also do contribute to boosting biodiversity as they do become a food source and natural habitat for wildlife. An apple tree can nourish several birds, insects, and wildlife. Trees that are usually planted as homes for birds, squirrels, and bees are oak as well as sycamore.

8. Renewable Energy Source

Nowadays a major problem is fossil fuels. They do consist of toxic properties. Several companies do focus on renewable sources of energy. If harvested and treated sustainably, trees can indeed become a great renewable source of energy. They are simple to make use of and with the aid of forest management they can indeed become an excellent eco-friendly fuel.

9. Reinforcing Soil

Trees are one of the best partners when it does come to agriculture. They do act positively in several ways: they do reduce soil erosion, increase fertility, and also help soil obtain moisture. Fallen tree leaves lower reduces soil temperature and prevents soil from losing too much moisture. Decaying leaves that fall onto the ground do turn into nutrients for tree growth and promote microorganism development.

10 Environmental Benefits of Planting a Tree

10. Erosion Control

Rain and wind are two indeed primary erosion forces that do damage the bare soil. As they fall from heights, drops of rain tend to gain power and momentum, and thus being strong can penetrate the soil once they hit the ground. On the other hand, in case the land is dried out, then the wind can do significant damage. Trees do break droplets of rain and also weaken their strength while roots hold the soil together and protect it from the effects of wind.


There are several environmental benefits of planting a tree. Strategically planting trees around the home can have tremendous benefits on the environment. Not only does it help restore life quality within the community, contribute to the environment, and also help fight climate change. It is worth planning a tree! The social benefits of planting trees are much to be concerned about.

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