10 reasons should drink sugarcane juice in summer

10 reasons should drink sugarcane juice in summer

The summers seem to be beating down on us and with the heat causes diseases like heatbstrokes and sessions of dehydration. Here are 10 reasons should drink sugarcane juice in summer.

10 reasons should drink sugarcane juice in summer

But there is one summer drink that can help to overcome the sweltering heat and other diseases in a jiffy – sugarcane juice. Here are 10 reasons you should have a glass of sugarcane juice everyday this summer.

10 reasons should drink sugarcane juice in summer

10 reasons should drink sugarcane juice in summer

Is a strong energy booster:

Sugarcane contains the large amount of glucose along with an other compounds. The glucose and other an electrolytes make it an instant pick up. Not only does it give to that instant increase of energy, but if drunk when cold, it helps to cool down the body during harsh summers.

Is a great drink for diabetics:

If thought sugarcane was bad for diabetics, mistaken. Sugarcane has glucose but also has a low level of hypoglycemic index than instant sugar, making it the perfect energy drink for the diabetics. Not only does it give them an essential amounts of sugar but also does so safely. So, if diabetic and desire something sweet, sip on the glass of sugarcane juice for that instant fix.

Fights against the cancer

Sugarcane has packed with an antioxidants that have very strong effect on the body. Flavorless present in the sugarcane juice are highly effective in stopping the production and spread of a cancerous cells. The sugarcane juice was especially effective in limitation of onset and spread of prostate and breast cancer.

10 reasons should drink sugarcane juice in summer

Beats dehydration

The summer heat & high amount of humidity make one very flat to dehydration. But sugarcane juice can definitely frustrate that ill effect of summers. Packed with the high concentration of calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, and manganese, sugarcane juice acts as a perfect drink to refill lost electrolytes and water.

Helps the kidneys function better and beats a urinary tract infections:

Sugarcane juice contains large amount of proteins, making it perfect to help for kidneys function in optimally. furthermore it is alkaline in nature and is perfect antibiotic agent. Apart from that, when had in the diluted form diluted with water or coconut water it works perfectly to relieve the pain and burning sensation most people experience during a short period of urinary tract infection.

10 reasons should drink sugarcane juice in summerIs a powerful antioxidant:

The compounds present in the sugarcane juice has an ability to not only searching free radicals, but also reduced the production of iron complex and inhibit the lipid per oxidation all processes that lead to deterioration of a body and its organs.

Keeps the liver healthy:

Sugarcane is known to keep the bilirubin levels in check, that is one of reasons that this juice is used in the Ayurveda to treat conditions like jaundice. But, apart from that, sugarcane has protective effect on the liver as well. Sugarcane juice actually helps to protect the liver from damage and acts as the palliative to damaged liver. So, if you have been on the binge drinking spree, have suffered from jaundice, or just want to care for the liver, have a glass of sugarcane juice everyday.

Acts as an effectual digestive agent:

Sugarcane juice has a large amounts of potassium in it, making it perfect agent to helps in digestion. The potassium also acts as an antimicrobial agent protecting the stomach from infections and improve the movement of food through the stomach.

10 reasons should drink sugarcane juice in summerGives a healthy skin:

Packed with compounds called alphahydroxy acid and glycolic acid, sugarcane is an elixir for skin. It not only helps to reduce acne, but also reduces an appearance of blemishes, prevents ageing and keeps the skin hydrated. The glycolic acid is especially known for its instant benefits when applied on the skin. So the next time see a pimple on the face, don’t panic, just apply some sugarcane juice to it. You can also add it to the favorite mask or face pack and use it as scrub too.

Helps to fight bad breath and other common infections:

Due to high mineral content, potassium and alkaline nature, sugarcane makes very effective antimicrobial agent. The minerals present in juice keep the teeth healthy and the other agents prevent tooth decay due to an infections. It is also known to improve one’s immunity and keep common infections at bay.

10 reasons should drink sugarcane juice in summer

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