15 Best BOSU Ball Exercises and Benefits to Improve

15 Best BOSU Ball Exercises and Benefits to Improve

One can prefer to concentrate more on home workouts, or hope to go in for the gym equipment nevertheless one can go in for full-body fitness routine thus making use of nothing but a BOSU ball. BOSU balls are referred to as “Both Sides Up” that happen to be essentially a half stability ball with a sturdy plastic platform on one side. The rounded side can indeed be placed either on the ground or pointing upward, thus offering flexibility to the number and type of exercises that are performed making use of the equipment.

BOSU Ball Exercises

This full-body fitness routine does require balance and coordination in order to perform exercises on an unstable surface. One needs to try these at home or at the gym for a fun new way in order to mix up one’s workout and also prepare oneself to engage one’s core.

1. BOSU Lunge

The BOSU lunge does work upon one’s entire lower body (glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves), all while challenging one’s balance as well as coordination.

1. Place the BOSU ball on the ground with the plastic platform thus facing down.
2. One needs to stand two to three feet behind the ball. Then, step forward with one’s right foot and then place one’s right foot securely on the center of the BOSU ball’s inflated dome.
3. When one has gained one’s balance, bend both knees and lower one’s body into a lunge until both knees form 90-degree angles and one’s left knee does come close to touching the ground.
4. Throughout this movement, one needs to keep one’s torso upright and tall, one’s hips do facing forward.
5. Then one needs to reverse the movement and also return to standing.
6. Repeat the Exercise 10 to 15 times on one side before switching to the other side.

2. BOSU Lunge and Twist

To enhance one’s core strength while working one’s lower body, one needs to make use of the BOSU ball as a weight by holding it in one’s hands.

1. Stand upright, while gripping the BOSU ball directly in front of one’s body as one holds onto the BOSU’s handles with both hands. One’s elbows need to be bent and pulled in to one’s sides.
2. One has to take a step forward with one’s right foot, about two to three feet. Plant one’s right foot flat on the ground, thus allowing one’s left heel to rise up off the ground.
3. Keeping one’s torso tall, bend both knees, lowering one’s left knee toward the ground.
4. As one’s lower yourself, twist one’s torso to the right as though one were trying to touch one’s left elbow to one’s right knee.
5. Reverse the movement, twisting one’s torso back to center as one stands upright.
6. Repeat 10 to 12 times on each side.

3. BOSU Pushup

Work one’s core as one also challenges one’s chest and triceps during this upper body exercise.

1. Place the rounded side of the BOSU ball on the ground and kneel behind it.
2. Place one’s hands palm-down on either side of the BOSU platform’s diameter and step one’s feet directly behind one, keeping one’s body straight. One should be in a standard pushup position.
3. Bend one’s elbows and lower one’s chest toward the BOSU’s platform.
4. When one’s elbows form a 90-degree angle, reverse the movement and then press oneself back to the pushup position.
5. Repeat 8 to 12 times, rest, and then perform two more sets.

15 Best BOSU Ball Exercises and Benefits to Improve4. BOSU Overhead Squat

Work one’s legs, core, and shoulders by making use of the BOSU ball as a weight during this squat exercise.

1. Stand with one’s feet shoulder-width apart, the BOSU ball in one’s hands in front of one’s body.
2. Gripping the BOSU’s handles, use both arms in order to press the BOSU directly over one’s head.
3. From this position, tip one’s hips backward and then squat down, dropping one’s butt back and between one’s knees, as though one is sitting in a chair. Keep one’s arms extended overhead and then Place one’s heels flat on the ground throughout this movement. Also, do make sure one keeps one’s knees in line with one’s toes as one performs the squat.
4. From the bottom position of the squat, reverse the movement and then return to standing.
5. Perform 12 to 15 exercises, rest, and repeat two more times.

5. BOSU Split Squat

A split squat performed on a BOSU ball does, of course, wonders for one’s lower body. In addition to strengthening one’s hips, butt, and legs, it also does challenge one’s core, targets each leg unilaterally, and then works on the small muscles of one’s foot and ankle in order to enhance balance.

1. Place the BOSU ball on the ground with the platform facing up. Stand to the right of the ball, so that one’s right foot is about one to two feet away from the BOSU itself.
2. Place one’s left foot in the center of the BOSU ball and angle one’s left toes away from one’s body slightly.
3. Tip one’s hips backward and then move into a squat, bending one’s knees as one lowers one’s butt back and between one’s legs. If one would like it one can swing one’s arms up in front of one’s chest as one’s squats backward.
4. From the bottom position of the squat, press through one’s feet and then also reverse the movement, returning to standing.
5. Repeat the exercise 10 to 12 times before switching to the other side of the BOSU ball. Perform at least two sets on each side.

6. BOSU Bridge

Challenge one’s butt as one works the stabilizing muscles of one’s hips while performing a BOSU bridge.

1. Place the BOSU on the ground, platform-side down, and sit directly behind the ball.
2. Place one’s feet on the center of the ball and lie backward, one’s knees bent and pointing toward the ceiling.
3. Let one’s arms rest next to one’s sides, one palm down for stability.
4. Engage one ab and hips, and use one’s glutes as the one you press your hips up off the ground until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.
5. Hold the position for three seconds, then lower your hips back toward the ground, stopping just before your glutes make contact with the floor.
6. Repeat 15 to 20 times before resting. Perform two to three sets.

7. BOSU Plank

Plank Exercises work everything from one’s shoulders and chest, to one’s abs, hips, and quads. Make the move harder by performing the skill while balancing on a BOSU ball. You may like to read Simple Exercises To Relieve From Joint Pain

1. Place the BOSU on the ground, platform-side down. Kneel behind the ball and lean forward, placing one’s forearms just outside the center of the ball so one’s weight is equally balanced between them.
2. Step on one’s legs behind oneself so that one’s toes and the balls of one’s feet are the only other things touching the ground. One’s body should form a straight line from one’s heels to one’s head.
3. Hold the position for 30 to 60 seconds, keeping one’s abs engaged and tight. Do not let one’s hips dip and one’s back sway.
4. Rest for 15 to 20 seconds, and then repeat twice.

8. BOSU Balance Deadlift without Weight

The deadlift exercise does target one’s hamstrings and glutes. When performed on a BOSU ball, the deadlift also does target one’s core and the stabilizers of one’s ankles.

1. Place the BOSU on the ground with the dome side down.
2. Carefully step one’s left foot onto the BOSU platform, centering it on the ball. Once one feels stable, carefully lift one’s right foot from the ground, transferring all one’s weight to one’s left foot so that one is standing on one’s left foot on the ball.
3. From this position, carefully tip one’s torso forward as one will lift one’s right leg backward, keeping both one’s foot and one’s torso straight.
4. Reach directly down with one’s arms, as though one were trying to touch one’s toes.
5. When one’s body forms a “T” shape, tighten the muscles of one’s left leg and butt, and squeeze one’s hamstrings, “pulling” one’s body back up to standing.
6. Repeat 12 times on the left leg before switching to the other side.

9. BOSU V-Up

Work one’s abs and challenge one’s balance by performing BOSU V-ups.

1. Place the BOSU ball on the ground, platform-side down.
2. Sit in the center of the dome, one’s arms at one’s sides, knees bent, and feet on the floor.
3. Lift one’s feet from the floor and draw one’s knees up toward one’s chest until one’s body forms tight “V” with one’s knees bent.
4. Keeping one’s abs tight, carefully straighten one’s legs as one can lean one’s torso backward. Allow one’s arms to straighten and one’s hands to reach past one’s hips during this movement. Lean backward until one is afraid one will lose one’s balance.
5. Reverse the movement and pull oneself back to sitting as one draws one’s knees back toward one’s chest.
6. Perform 15 to 20 repetitions before resting and repeating two to three times.

10. BOSU Burpee

For a quick burst of cardio and strength training, one can try the BOSU burpee.

1. Stand with one’s knees slightly bent, holding the BOSU in front of one’s body, the platform facing oneself, one’s elbows drawn into one’s body.
2. Tip one’s hips backward as one squat down, placing the BOSU dome on the ground.
3. Hop one’s legs directly behind oneself so that one’s body does form a straight line from heels to head, as though one were in a push up position.
4. Jump one’s feet back to their starting position and stand up, lifting the BOSU ball directly over one’s head.
5. Perform the exercise as many times as one can in 60 seconds.

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