23 Surprising Benefits of Marjoram Essential Oil

23 Surprising Benefits of Marjoram Essential Oil

The health benefits of marjoram essential oil are manifold such as analgesic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, antiseptic, antiviral, and bactericidal. It also is a carminative, cephalic, cordial, diaphoretic and digestive as well as a diuretic.

Marjoram essential oil does play an essential role as an emmenagogue, expectorant, fungicidal, hypotensive, laxative, nervine, sedative, stomachic, vasodilator, and a vulnerary substance for keeping one healthy.

What is Marjoram Essential Oil?

Marjoram essential oil is indeed an extract by steam distillation of both fresh as well as dried leaves of the marjoram plant, which has the scientific name Origanum majorana. It is also referred to as knotted marjoram. It is also a plant that does belong to the Mediterranean region and has been popular for its medicinal uses for several years.

Marjoram oil is made up of sabinene, alpha-terpinene, gamma terpinene, cymene, terpinolene, Linalool, sabinene hydrate, linalyl acetate, terpineol as well as gamma terpineol.

1. Reduces Pain

Marjoram oil does reduce the pain associated with colds, fevers, inflammation, overexertion of muscles, toothaches as well as headaches. It does not have any adverse side effects, unlike other analgesic pain relievers that are available in the market.

2. Cures Spasms

Marjoram essential oil is indeed helpful in curing nearly all types of spasms and also related problems. It does efficiently relieve spasms in the respiratory system, intestines as well as muscular spasms in the limbs. It also does help cure convulsions, pulled muscles, cramps as well as spasmodic cholera that are caused by uncontrollable spasms.

23 Surprising Benefits of Marjoram Essential Oil3. Controls Sexual Desires

Marjoram essential oil is also an anaphrodisiac and does suppress or control sexual desires. It is useful for those who are suffering from abnormal as well as extreme sexual urges.

4. Prevents Sepsis

Marjoram oil has antiseptic properties and can be applied on both external as well as internal wounds. It also does function well as an ingredient in antiseptic lotions as well as creams. This does protect the wounds against becoming septic as well as developing tetanus.

5. Cures Infections

Furthermore, it can also be effective in curing infections thus caused by viruses as well as ailments associated with them, such as the common cold, influenza, mumps, measles as well as pox.

6. Prevents Bacterial Infections

Marjoram oil does kill bacteria, so it can also protect one from food poisoning, typhoid, malaria, colic as well as bacterial infections in the colon, skin, digestive system, urinary tract as well as other parts of the excretory system.

7. Improves Cognitive Function

Marjoram oil is indeed very good for the functioning of one’s brain. It also keeps it healthy as well as active and does prevent debilitating conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease as well as dementia. This quality also does relieve one of the headaches.

8. Cordial Effect

Marjoram oil has indeed a warming effect on one’s body and it also improves circulation in order to increase the blood flow, further warming one’s cells. It gets rid of coughs as well as excess phlegm, while simultaneously relieving the pain of arthritis as well as rheumatism.

9. Promotes Sweating

Marjoram oil does promote perspiration and also keeps one healthy by aiding in the removal of toxins, sodium, salts as well as excess water from one’s body. This also does help bring down fever and also helps one lose weight since urine is composed of 4% fat approximately.

10. Facilitates Digestion

Marjoram oil does promote digestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive juices such as gastric juices, acids as well as bile in the stomach, while its aroma alone can indeed stimulate the salivary glands and thus aid in the primary digestion of one’s food. Lastly, it does stimulate the peristaltic movement of the intestines and also helps the ingested food to advance through the digestive tract, thereby facilitating digestion as well as regular bowel movements.

11. Aids in Gas Troubles

Marjoram essential oil can efficiently handle any gas trouble one may have. It does provide the gases a safe downward passage by relaxing the muscles in the abdominal region and also stops further gas from forming. This help getting rid of a number of problems such as indigestion, nausea, chest pain, vomiting, stomach ache, hypertension, and excessive flatulence.

At times, the inner lining of the stomach does get corroded on account of prolonged acidity and can result in the formation of gastric ulcers. This also happens on account of bile, which tends to neutralize the acids. Marjoram oil can also help one avoid this situation as well since it also maintains those proper secretions in one’s stomach.

12. Promotes Urination

Marjoram oil does increase the frequency of urination, thus helping to remove excess water, sodium, uric acid, bile salts, and other toxic elements from one’s body. Increased urination also does lower blood pressure, cleans kidneys, and also reduces fat.

If one is suffering from swelling or accumulation of water in the body, one needs to drink more water if one was taking marjoram oil. This is on account of frequent urination that can lead to dehydration, which is also quite dangerous for one’s health.

13. Reduces Hormonal Issues

Women who suffer from irregular, obstructed or painful menstruation can also benefit from the emmenagogue element of marjoram oil. It helps clear menses and also makes them regular and provides relief from other symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome or PMS such as a headache, pain in the abdominal area, dizziness as well as mood swings. Marjoram oil can also help prevent untimely or premature menopause from setting in. Also, there have been studies, which do claim that marjoram essential oil can treat PCOS and infertility among women.

14. Controls Diabetes

Marjoram essential oil inhibits the growth of the enzyme protein tyrosine phosphate 1B (PTP1B). This enzyme also has the negative impact on the insulin levels, thus affecting the blood sugar levels. Hence, marjoram oil is indeed a great choice for diabetics who are rather looking for options that do help control diabetes.

15. Natural Expectorant

Marjoram essential oil is effective at giving relief from the deposition of mucus as well as phlegm in the throat and sinuses, as well as congestion of the nasal tract, larynx, pharynx, bronchi, and lungs on account of colds as well as viral infections. It is particularly effective on chronic coughing.

16. Cures Fungal Infections

It inhibits the growth of fungus and also helps cure infections. This property of marjoram essential oil does help treat a number of skin diseases as well as conditions such as dysentery, which is all often caused due to the dangerous growth of fungus.

17. Speeds-up Healing

Marjoram essential oil does act as a vulnerary as it promotes the quick healing of wounds, both externally as well as internally and does protect them from infections.

18. Relieves Stress

Marjoram oil does induce a calming, relaxing as well as the sedative effect on both the mind as well as body while relieving nervous stress as well as anxiety. It also does generate a happy feeling in times of anger or sadness. It does help those who have suffered some sort of shock, trauma, or even a major setback in life.

19. Nervine

It does also strengthen the entire nervous system, tones it up, and also keeps one active while protecting one from various nervous disorders.

23 Surprising Benefits of Marjoram Essential Oil20. Acts as a Vasodilator

This is an essential medicinal property of marjoram oil of heart attacks, atherosclerosis, or brain hemorrhaging on account of hypertension. As a vasodilator, it does widen and also relaxes the blood vessels and eases the flow of blood. It does reduce blood pressure, thus lessening the strain on the entire cardiovascular system. It also helps reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes as well as brain hemorrhaging.

21. Other Benefits

This powerful essential oil helps does cure headaches, sinusitis, cold, bronchitis, stress, asthma, insomnia, pain in muscles and joints, and fatigue.

22. Marjoram Essential Oil Uses

Marjoram essential oil is indeed very useful oil as it:

  • Calming oil: Diluted marjoram oil can be topically applied to relieve the tension from one’s neck.
  • Diffuser for sound sleep: Use the oil in a diffuser to get a great night’s sleep.
  • Relief from respiratory problems: Diffuses the oil to get relief from respiratory problems; it also has a soothing effect on the nervous system.
  • Pain Reliever: A combination of peppermint, lavender, and marjoram oil that can be topically applied to the sore joint for instant relief.
  • Linen spray: Make one’s own linen spray to freshen up one’s sheets by combining 1 cup of water, ½ tsp baking soda, and 7 drops each of marjoram oil as well as lavender essential oil.
  • Soothing massage oil: Diluted marjoram oil can be used to soothe sore muscles, especially after exercising.
  • Cooking: Marjoram herb can also be substituted with marjoram oil. 1 drop of oil is equivalent to 2tsp. dried herb.

23. Blending:

The essential oils of Bergamot, Cedar Wood, Chamomile, Cypress, Eucalyptus, and Tea tree blend very nicely with Marjoram essential oil.

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