4 Simple Onion Juice packs For Promoting Hair Growth

4 Simple Onion Juice packs For Promoting Hair Growth

4 Simple Onion Juice packs For Promoting Hair Growth

Here are 4 Simple Onion Juice packs For Promoting Hair Growth. Read and follow the tips for better results

Raw Onion Juice:

This is easiest way to obtain the benefits of sulphur content of the onion. Just blend some onions in the food processor and extract juice; apply this on the scalp and leave for at least 30 minutes or more if you wish; wash off using the mild shampoo. If this is done for minimum of thrice per week, you can expect to see results within 1 or 2 months. Please be patient as this is the natural remedy.

Honey-Onion Juice Treatment:

This treatment needs 2-fold action i.e., consumption and application. Mix the tablespoon of honey with the quarter-cup onion juice. Take it orally every day. At the same time, use same recipe for application on the scalp and hair. Massage it gently for about 10 minutes and leave it on for about 30 minutes.

Onion Juice-Oil Blend:

Mix 3 tablespoons of onion juice with the tablespoon of coconut oil and tablespoon of olive oil. Use this blend for the hair and scalp at least 3 times a week. It is good for treating the hair loss, especially if your scalp feels dry and itchy.

Onion Juice – Rum Concoction:

4 Simple Onion Juice packs For Promoting Hair GrowthIf you really cannot stand smell of onions on the hair, you can try this method instead. Put finely chopped onion in the glass of rum and keep it undisturbed overnight. Do not put this in your refrigerator. Strain mixture and use liquid as the hair wash or to massage scalp. It works to enhance the hair growth.

Onion juice is the time-tested remedy for the hair loss and allows the hair growth in bald patches. Even though, there is 1 problem associated with the onion juice remedy for the hair problems. It is a pungent remedy. If you detest strong onion smell, you might find it difficult to put up with it every alternate day. However, if you get into habit of tolerating the pungent smell, you can easily allow that your hair enjoys the good health.

Have you ever used the onion juice for treating the hair problems. What was your experience? Share it with us in the comments section below!

Photo credit: swong95765 / Foter / CC BY

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