4 simple Ways honey can solve dry skin problems

4 simple Ways honey can solve dry skin problems

Since time immemorial, honey has been a popular ingredient for improving one’s facial texture. Women always felt and still do to look good and complexion was important to them. Honey was made use of to enhance their good looks.

Honey is good for skin care as it contains several essential properties that improve the texture of one’s skin.

Every kitchen had honey as it is used for culinary products as well as beauty care.

Why honey?

Honey is good for dry skin no doubt. One can apply it on one’s face for smooth skin. One can make use of it on a daily basis.

Honey preserves the moisture in the skin and therefore reduces the dryness. It prevents itching of the skin as well. With a regular usage of honey, one can have a radiant as well as supple skin at all times. One will not suffer from the flaky skin as it is anti-bacterial ingredients. It keeps the skin infections at bay.

How to make use of honey for dry skin?

There are 4 effective ways:

1. Facial Scrub:

One can make use of honey as a facial scrub in the comforts of one’s home. One need not take time off and go to a beauty parlor.

  • Take some olive oil, fresh lemon juice, brown sugar as well as honey.
  • Whip up a rather moderately thick mask out of these mentioned ingredients in a bowl.
  • Apply a thin layer on one’s face.
  • This mask will be much less abrasive and will slowly get rid of dead skin to reveal younger as well as brighter looking skin.

2. A Stronger Exfoliator:

In case you are suffer4 simple Ways honey can solve dry skin problemsing from very dry as well as flaky skin then one can make use of an exfoliator that can get rid of the dead cells gently and at the same time not harm one’s skin.

  • Combine about 2 egg yolks and about 2 tablespoons of honey.
  • Mix them well and also apply the paste to one’s face as well as other dry problem areas.
  • Leave the mixture on for about half an hour before one rinses it off.
  • Warm the mixture before its application in order to easily rub off dead cells.

3. Natural Moisturizer:

  • Honey is super hydrating and does wonders to dry skin.
  • Add honey and a few tablespoons of Shea butter, whipped or melted.
  • This is a great moisturizer that can be applied from head to toe.
  • Alternatively, drop about two tablespoons of honey as well as cocoa butter into a bowl.
  • To this add about 2 drops of bergamot oil and one single drop of lavender oil.
  • Mix these ingredients well till they blend properly into each other.
  • Once the mixture is ready, slowly apply it on one’s face and other affected parts of one’s body.
  • If one wishes to make use of this mixture for one’s entire body one may need to prepare larger quantities.
  • Keep any of the remaining mixture in a bowl and cover it up with a lid.
  • In case the paste solidifies then simply microwave it for one’s next application.
  • One can make sure using this mixture after a bath on one’s clean as well as dry skin.
  • Let the mixture be on for just about 20 minutes, before washing it with a mild face wash or even plain water.
  • Honey will get locked up in the natural moisture in ‘one’s skin leaving it feeling fresh as well as soft to touch.

4. Sweet Heart’s Honey cum Chocolate Body Scrub:

One need not go to the spa. Simply prepare this hydrating body scrub at home as it is inexpensive.

• 2 large cups honey
• 6tbsp of unsweetened chocolate (preferably grated)
• 2 cups of kosher salt
• Half a cup of grapeseed oil.


• In a mixing bowl, just combine the honey and grape seed oil before stirring it in the chocolate.
• Do not pour in water.
• Let the consistency be thick and somewhat grainy.
• Then apply the scrub on one’s body, thus allowing it to be absorbed by one’s body before one step into the shower.

It is but obvious one can save money by preparing honey scrubs for body and also make one’s skin supple and soft.

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