5 natural remedies to treat shoe bites

5 natural remedies to treat shoe bites

5 natural remedies to treat shoe bites

If the new shoes are giving you a hard time, rather than choosing for creams and band helps to get rid of the shoe bite, why not go natural? All you require to do is look at the kitchen for ingredients with antibacterial and healing properties. And what is more, these quick-fixes have no side-effects and are quite effective. Have a look on 5 natural remedies to treat shoe bites.

Turmeric and neem leaves

The antiseptic property of the turmeric, when coupled with anti-inflammatory activity of neem leaves, helps in the healing pain, itching & swelling caused by the shoe bite. Make the thick paste by grinding the fresh neem leaves with the turmeric powder. Apply this paste on sores and rinse with lukewarm water after 20 minutes. Do this twice a day for better results.

Rice flour

This home remedy acts as a amazing home remedy to get rid of the shoe bite. It exfoliates the dead skin cells and also eases pain and itching. All you require to do is make a thick paste of the rice flour by adding water. Apply it to scar and let it dry naturally. Clean it off with water and repeat this every day till the scar is gone.


Wondering how the toothpaste can help you deal with the blisters and itching caused by the shoe bite? It contains the baking soda, hydrogen peroxide & menthol, all of which act as perfect healing ingredients. wipe a small quantity of the toothpaste on the area and leave it overnight. Clean it off with the warm water in the morning and apply petroleum jelly. Remember not to use a gel-based toothpaste.

Aloe vera

5 natural remedies to treat shoe bitesIt is one of the extensively used remedies to heal shoe bites. Aloe vera relieves burning, itchy sensation and pain. The anti-inflammatory properties of this gel help in quick healing of the skin and also prevent infection. Extract the gel from the leaf and apply it on the affected area. Let it dry and then wash with water. Do this twice a day for 3 to 4 days for effectual results.

Coconut oil

You can also use the coconut oil to deal with the shoe bites. Apply coconut oil on an affected area as it not only moisturises the skin and helps in healing of skin, but also prevent it from infections. On the other hand, you can apply this oil on the shoes before using them. As it softens the leather and thus, would not be harsh on the skin.

Photo credit: Nadya Peek / Foter / CC BY

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