5 Skin-friendly Vegetables

    5 Skin-friendly Vegetables

    5 Skin-friendly Vegetables

    There are few vegetables that are very good for your skin. We can call them skin-friendly vegetables. Consuming them on a daily basis will help you in providing nutrients to the skin. You nourish your body daily; in the same way, you must also nourish your skin with right nutrients.

    When your skin damage is reduced, certain ageing signs can also be reduced. Wrinkles can also be postponed if the diet is healthy.

    Now, let us discuss about the vegetables, those are good for skin.


    If you desire to get fresh and glowing skin, you require tomatoes. As they contain the antioxidants, it is good to consume tomatoes daily for your skin.

    Sweet Potato

    Consuming sweet potatoes is good for getting glowing skin as they are rich in thw Vitamin A. They also come with the anti-inflammatory properties.


    5 Skin-friendly VegetablesAs spinach comes with both the antioxidants as well as anti-inflammatory agents, consuming it in the form of juice on a daily basis helps and you can get flawless skin.


    Carrots come with the beta carotene. Carrots do help the skin glow and they can also stops ageing signs.


    Even the beetroot comes with the antioxidants and therefore it is good for the skin. In fact, you can avoid the formation of wrinkles if you consume beetroot everyday.

    Photo credit: jfl1066 / Foter / CC BY

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