5 Summer Hairstyles for Men 2021

5 Summer Hairstyles for Men 2021

Men like to try out the best summer haircuts and no doubt there are several summer haircuts for guys. The macho look is there and also a relaxed and cook look is felt.

Men go in for a summer Haircut and style their hair accordingly. Summer haircuts for guys are many to choose from and are also very popular. The best summer haircuts are very attractive and provide a macho look.

What are the few best summer haircuts? 

Several haircuts appeal to men who like to look their best in summer. It needs to be a short hairstyle making the person feel comfortable in the heat. Humidity does wreak hairstyle and naturally, the choice of a convenient hairstyle for the summer is important. Men do not want a hairstyle that requires much styling. Also, they would like to spend less time in a steamy bathroom as it is also hot outside.

Men want the best and coolest summer haircut.

1. Buzzcut

This is a popular summer haircut and is convenient during summertime. The barber will shape it well and will suit the shape of one’s head, instead of exposing it.” He also warns that it’s not the best cut for guys with round faces. This is one of the best summer haircuts for men.

2. Crew Cut

The crew cut suits men with a round face. It has the summer look like a buzz cut, but the top is no doubt kept slightly longer and then squared off on the corners. This does help to elongate the face of the man and make it look rather slimmer. It is better to inform the barber that the style needs to be squared off at the crown to keep the military-style subtle. Depending on one’s hair type, it is better to use a little promenade to maintain the shape.

3. French Crop

This is one of the trendy summer haircuts for guys. It is quite similar to the High-and-Tight style. The faded sides are quite similar, but the top is rather kept a little shorter. It is styled forward and the bangs need to be cut in a straight line across the forehead. It is better to inform the barber to keep the top textured to add dimension. It does help to make use of a matte clay or lightweight pomade to keep it in place.

4. Surf Rat

It is a look that men like when they are on a surfboard. Summer grooming is important and surf rat goes well during such hot season when people spend a lot of time surfing. In case the hair is a bit damp, it is better to make use of a salt spray to add volume and texture and then allow the hair to air-dry. The salt will make the hairpieces and the liquid will then bring out the natural texture of the hair as it air-dries.”

5. Flat Top

It is a revival of the 1990s and the flat top is in style again. It is great summer cut as it has short sides. The hairstyle must not be too high to have summery look. It needs to close to the skin on the sides and then the barber should fade up to the point where the head starts to curve in. Then keep maintain it only a few inches above the crown. It is better to keep it short as it means less picking to maintain the height and also ensure that it does not frizz out at the ends.

Also Read, Stylish Undercut Haircut for Men.


Summer haircuts for guys are fascinating and worth trying out. Men will look gorgeous in the summer and also feel comfortable.

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