6 Benefits of Banana for Skin

6 Benefits of Banana for Skin

Skincare is required for healthy skin and one can make use of a banana peel for such a skin. The peel contains a lot of nutrients and helps keep the skin glowing.
Banana is a protein-rich food and has several benefits. It can combat various skin problems. Banana benefits, skincare does help in one’s skincare routine.

Benefits of Banana Peel

The pulp of the banana peel is rich in several nutrients and carbohydrates. The flesh of the inner part of the shell is high in potassium and also vitamins B6, B-12, and magnesium. Its sugar content is higher when the banana peel turns black.

1. Used to get rid of Warts

Banana peel is one of the effective home remedies to remove warts:

• Take a bandage and a piece of banana peel.
• Apply banana peel over the wart and cover it with a bandage.
• Keep it well at night and repeat the procedure several nights and the wart will simply disappear.

2. To eliminate Wrinkles and Acne

For those who suffer from acne, it is best to make use of a banana skin to scrub the face every night before going to sleep. The next day one requires eliminating the rest that is left with warm water.

In case a person suffers from acne problems, this remedy is very useful and economical. Scrape the inner part of the banana peel, and with the fingers, apply it on one’s clean skin as if it were a cream, without making a strong pressure. Let it act for about 15 minutes and rinse, repeat daily, then a person will notice a decrease in Buds and a better look of one’s skin. Banana benefits, skincare need to be focused upon to have healthy skin.

6 Benefits of Banana for Skin

3. Used to Whiten Teeth

Rubbing one’s teeth with the inner part of the banana peel can be very effective to make the teeth whiter.

The banana peel can help to whiten one’s teeth naturally, and one needs to rub one’s teeth with a banana peel at night. The procedure may be slow, but with a due record, one will notice improvement. It is recommended to apply for one month.

4. For Insect Bites

Apply a piece of banana peel over the bite and also feel the relief immediately. This is an ancient home remedy to treat stings produced by mosquitoes and other insects as well.
Banana peel can help relieve the itching or pain of a non-poisonous insect bite. All one has to do is to rub the area of the bite and around it, with a piece of the peel of Banana on the inside because it does contain natural antihistamines that do help reduce the reaction that these bites have on one’s body.

5. To get rid of the symptoms of Psoriasis

Banana peel does soothe itchy skin and has properties that help with hydration and also reduces the itching. It can also help to heal soon the problems caused in the skin by psoriasis and the results may be visible in a very short time.

6. Decreases skin irritation

In case one has skin irritation it is advisable to rub the area with banana peel, wait 10 to 15 minutes and the symptoms will disappear.

How to enjoy the Properties of Bananas for the Skin?

There are two ways to enjoy the benefits of a banana skin. For example, in case one would like to apply it on the skin, an interesting option is to make a banana facial mask.
It will help a person to relax the skin, as long as it is applied for 15 minutes.
Another option is to apply it as plaster in one’s hair, being useful in case of dry as well as brittle hairs.

Face Mask

With the banana peel, one can prepare a mask for the face. On account of the enzymes, the skin will look much healthier. To start with wash the face with soap and water. It crushes the skin of the banana and is then applied over the face. Let it dry (a half hour or so) and dry once rinsed with warm water. Banana benefits, skincare can be had by a face mask.

Also-read: Amazing Uses and Benefits of Banana peels

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