6 tips to boost women’s health

Foods for naturally glowing skin

6 tips to boost women’s health

Women’s health concerns are a little different from those of men. If you’re a women, these tips will soon have you feeling fit and energetic.

To look and feel your best at every age, it’s important to make smart lifestyle and health choices. Here are 6 tips to boost women’s health or simple things that women can do every day ( or with regularity) to ensure good health.

Health tip 1: Eat a healthy diet

You want to eat as close to a natural foods diet as you can. That means a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and fewer processed foods. Eat whole grains and high – fiber foods and choose leaner cuts of meat, fish and poultry.

Include low – fat dairy products in your diet as well depending on your age, you need between 800 and 1,500 milligrams of calcium daily to help avoid osteoporosis. Avoid foods and beverages that are high in calories, sugar, salt, and fat.

Healthy eating will help you maintain a proper weight for your height, which is important because being overweight can lead to a number of illnesses. Looking for a healthy snack? Try some raw vegetables, such as celery, carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, or zucchini with dip made from low-fat yogurt.

If you’re not getting enough vitamins and nutrients in your diet, you might want to take a multivitamin and a calcium supplement to make sure you’re maintaining good health.

Health tip 2: Exercise

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women in America, but plenty of exercise can help keep your heart healthy. You want to exercise can help keep your heart healthy. You want to exercise at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week, if not every day. Aerobic exercises like walking, swimming, jogging, bicycling, dancing etc. Are good for women’s health in general and especially for your heart your heart.

Health tip 3: Avoid risky habits

Stay away from cigarettes and people who smoke. Don’t use drugs. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. Most women’s health studies show that women can safely consume one drink a day. A drink is considered to be about 12 to 14 grams of alcohol, which is equal to 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, 1.5 ounces of spirits(hard liquor such as gin or whiskey.

Health tip 4: Manage stress

No matter what stages of her life daughter, mother grandmother a woman often wears many hats and deals with a lot of pressure and stress. Take a few minutes every day just to relax and get your perspective back again. It does not take long and mental health is important to your physical well – bring. You also can manage stress with exercise, relaxation techniques or meditation.

Health tip 5: Sun safely

Excessive exposure to the sun’s harmful rays can cause skin cancer, which can be deadly. To protect against skin cancer, wear sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 if you are going to be outdoors for more than a few minutes. Even if you wear screen faithfully, you should check regularly for signs of skin cancer. Warning signs include any changes in the size shape, color, or feel of birthmarks, moles or freckles, or new, enlarging, pigmented, or red skin areas. If you spot any changes or you find you have scores that are not healing, consult your doctor.

Health tip 6: Check for breast cancer

6 tips to boost women’s healthThe American cancer society no longer recommends monthly breast self – exams for women. However, it still suggests them as ‘an option’ for women, starting in their 20s. You should be on the lookout for any changes in your breasts and report any concerns to your doctor. All women 40 and older should get a yearly mammogram as a mammogram is the most effective way to detecting cancer in its earliest stages, when it is most treatable.

A woman’s health needs change as she ages, but the basics of women’s health remain the same. If you follow these remain the same. If you follow these six simple healthy living tips, you will improve your quality of life for years to come.

Photo credit: justOneMoreBook / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA

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