7 Homeopathic Remedies & Homeopathy Treatment for Heart Diseases, Cardiac Disorders

Homeopathic Remedies

In this article you will read about Homeopathic Remedies & Homeopathy Treatment for Heart Diseases, Cardiac Disorders

1. Digitalis

Digitalis is popular on account of its action on one’s heart. It is no doubt a much-abused drug. When it is used in strong dosage its action is cumulative as well as dangerous. It’s symptoms:

• The pulse is slow but is mainly strong
• The weakness of one’s cardiac tissue,
• The pulse becomes weak.
• Extra exertion increases its rapidity.
• Diminishes its force.
• Quick pulse becoming irregular as well as intermittent.
• The heart does feel as if the blood stood still.

Other symptoms are disturbed sleep, apprehensiveness, deep sighing, slow respiration, dry cough, suffocative spells. Such symptoms tend to cause the irregular distribution of the blood. Digitalis is useful for inflammation of the heart muscle.

2. Cactus grandiflorus. [Cact]

A squeezed sensation as a symptom, chest soreness, and constriction, shooting pain into the left arm, edema and a quick, throbbing, tense, hard pulse, which may or perhaps may not intermit. Carditis and pericarditis may also require Cactus. It appears to lie midway between Aconite and Digitalis. It also controls the inflammatory condition and also strengthens the heart’s contractions. It is a good remedy for angina pectoris. It is also very useful for intense palpitation and fluttering sensations in one’s heart. It is also beneficial for puberty girls who experience such symptoms. Also useful for those who have difficulty in breathing, suffocative, fainting, violent palpitation and inability to lie down are symptoms thus indicating cardiac asthma or dyspnoea.

Homeopathic Remedies3. Kalmia latifolia. [Kalm]

This is the good remedy for cardiac hypertrophy, especially after rheumatism and also for numbness of the left arm. It can be used for irregularity of heartbeat. The heart is of course irregular and tends to intermit every third or fourth beat. There are shooting pains through the chest to the scapula. Kalmia is also a very good remedy for cardiac troubles caused on account of suppression of rheumatism by external applications. The pulse of Kalmia is indeed slow, but not as slow as Digitalis. Acute pericarditis requires Kalmia. In fact, Kalmia also reduces rapid pulsation of one’s heart.

4.Spigelia. [Spig]

Spigelia is useful for painful affections of the heart. It is also beneficial for acute carditis and pericarditis. Heart symptoms such as neuralgia can be treated by Spigelia. An irregular and tumultuous beating of the heart is well treated by Spigelia. At times, one can hear the heartbeat. Rheumatic endocarditis is also cured by Spigelia as well as angina pectoris. One can use it for cardiac inflammation as well and for valvular disease and hypertrophy.

5.Cimicifuga. [Cimic]

This is useful for heart troubles, chorea or rheumatism of the bellies as well as of the muscles.

6.Rhus Toxicodendron. [Rhus-t]

Rheumatic hypertrophy also referred to as Rhus is useful for palpitation of the heart on account of over-exertion numbness and also as well as lameness of the left arm and shoulder. Pericarditis or endocarditis one suffers from rain and also getting wet, etc. These symptoms get worse with the change of the weather. Uncomplicated hypertrophy of the heart experienced by athletes, machinists can go in for Rhus. Pericarditis also requires Rhus.

7. Bryonia. [Bry]

The membranes of the heart when affected can be treated by Bryonia. It is also beneficial for cramp in the region of the heart which is aggravated by walking, raising one’s self or making use of the slightest exertion thus raising the arm. The heart also beats Val
lately as well as rapidly.

Read more: Best Homeopathy hospitals in hyderabad

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