7 wonderful health benefits of mangoes

7 wonderful health benefits of mangoes

The summers remind us all of one delicious fruit i.e., the mango. But apart from tasting great and being the perfect addition to the number of both sweet and spicy dishes, mangoes are packed with the 7 wonderful health benefits of mangoes, here explained of them.

Strengthens the immunity

According to the physicians, a normal size mango is more nutritious than the butter or almonds. It strengthens and revitalizes all the nerves, tissues and muscles in brain, heart and other parts of the body. It also cleans the body from within and helps to strengthen the immunity.

Keeps the cancer at bay

Mangoes are rich in the dietary vitamins, minerals, fibre, and poly-phenolic flavonoids is an antioxidant compound. It has been found that the mangoes have qualities that can protect against colon, breast and prostate the cancers as well as from the leukaemia.

Helps to maintain the good vision

Mangoes are an excellent source of vitamin A and flavonoids like beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin. Together, these compounds can help in improving and maintaining the good vision. The carotene content in fruit helps to protect the body from lung cancer.

Can help to keep the blood pressure in check

Fresh mangoes are the good source of potassium. Nutritionists say that 100 g of fruit provides 156 mg of potassium and just 2 mg of sodium. Potassium is an important constituent of cell and body fluids. It also helps to control the heart rate and the blood pressure.

Improves the skin and facial appearance

Packed with the Vitamin A, mangoes help by providing the body with an essential nutrient to maintaining the healthy skin and complexion as well as an integrity of the mucus membranes.

Protects you from the heart disease

7 wonderful health benefits of mangoesMangoes are also very good source of vitamin B6 i.e., pyridoxine, vitamin C and vitamin E. Vitamin C helps the body to develop resistance against the infections and searchs harmful free radicals. Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is required for GABA hormone production is a hormone required to maintain muscle tone within the brain. It also helps to control the homocystiene levels within the blood, which in turn helps to protect the heart from CAD – coronary artery disease and stroke.

Prevents an anemia

The fruit contains moderate amounts of the copper. Copper is an essential co-factor for proper function of many vital enzymes, including the cytochrome c-oxidaze and superoxide dismutase. Copper is also required for production of red blood cells.

A few ancient home remedies with mangoes:

Suffering from hair fall or grey hair? Try mango seed oil. An excellent source of an essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, the mango seed kernel has the great moisturizing properties. You does not need to go looking for an oil in the market. Just remove the outer coat of a mango seed and add them to the jar of coconut, til sesame or mustard oil. Place the jar in the sunlight for a few days. Use this mixture regularly for the long, black and thick hair. The leaf of the mango plant is known to be very effective in controlling the diabetes and blood pressure. Boil 3 – 4 mango leaves in water and allow the mixture to ferment overnight. Crush leaves and drink this mixture first thing in the morning.

The leaf of mango plant is known to be very effective in controlling the diabetes and blood pressure. Boil 3 to 4 mango leaves in water and allow the mixture to ferment overnight. Crush leaves and drink this mixture first thing in the morning.

Photo credit: Zeetz Jones / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND

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