8 Causes Of Chest Pain

8 causes of chest pain

Chest pain points out to pain feel anywhere in chest region from the level of your shoulders to the bottom of your ribs. It is a common symptom for the people at any age and there are many causes why a chest pain occurs.

Some of the common causes of chest pain accredit to heart diseases, heart attacks, acidity and even lung disorders.

NOTE: When your chest pain starts at the center, right or left side, and accompanies extreme sweating, shortness of breath, shooting pain in the neck and a feeling of nausea, call in for an emergency immediately.

Here are few of the causes of chest pain. Have a look:

Heart Disease

One of the main causes of chest pain is due to the cardiac origin which is medically known as “angina”. Research states that any person can suffer from ‘angina’ for a short or long period of time, depending on the type of heart disease. In cases like this, chest pain is felt in the shoulder region and travels to the limbs too.

Due To Tension

Not many are aware but, tension is another main reason for the chest pains. When there is an increase in level of the blood pressure in arteries which carry the blood to the lungs it gives out a pain in the chest.


Gastroesophageal reflux disease is another cause for the chest pain. Acidity or heart burn are some of the common reasons. It is attends with the constant burping, heaviness on chest and at times pain in the shoulder region too.

Lung Problems

It might have never crossed our mind to relate the lung disorders with chest pain, but strangely irregularity of the lung function can be one of causes of chest pain. Pulmonary embolism is a lung disorder where the blood clot develops in an artery of lung thus preventing the flow of blood to the lung tissue causing chest pain.


Stress is the fundamental problem and another reason for the chest pain. When the body is under stress, the heart rate increases, and the blood pressure also rises rapidly which affects the circulatory system of blood flow to the heart resulting in a chest pain.


8 causes of chest painDepression plays destruction in one’s life, particularly with the heart. When you are feeling depressed there is an improve in the heart rate and faster blood flow to the heart causing a sudden chest pain.

Due To Injury

An injury to the rib cage, muscles or the chest wall will result to chest pain. This type of chest pain usually remains constant and can be treated with medication.

Body Exertion

When the body does not get enough oxygen to carry out the metabolic processes it results to effort and strain on the muscles and organs. This strain effects the chest region leading to chest pain. Exertion is one of the many causes of chest pain and should be treated by taking proper rest.

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