8 Face Packs To Make Skin Fair

    Simple Ways To Make Skin Glow Overnight

    8 Face Packs To Make Skin Fair

    The box plays a number of advertisements on getting better a dark facial appearance and Indians in return purchase the works to make their look a little brighter. To enhance your colour there are certain face packs which you can apply once in a week. 8 Face Packs To Make Skin Fair

    On the other hand, if you are skin tone try using these face packs to make skin fair in no time. These 8 dark facial appearance face packs can be used on the sensitive skin because it has no side effects. But, if you are prone to any skin allergy, it is better to perform a small patch test before you use any of these face packs to make skin fair.

    8 Face Packs To Make Skin Fair

    Lemon Face Pack

    Squeeze the juice from one lemon into a bowl. Add 1 tspn of curd to the juice. Mix the ingredients well and apply it evenly on the face. Allow it to dry. Wash with warm water. Use this lemon face pack once in a week to make the skin fair.

    Honey Face Pack

    Honey is the second best ingredient to make skin fair. Honey by itself is massaged on the skin and left as a face pack. When the honey is dry, wipe your face with a wet ball of cotton. Wash well with warm water.

    Turmeric Face Pack

    Turmeric is the other best ingredient to use on the skin to improve facial appearance. One tablespoon of turmeric powder is mixed with 2 tablespoon of milk. The mixture is made into a thick paste and then applied on the face. Wash with water when its dry. Use this dark complexion face pack twice in a month to see results.

    Tomato Face Pack

    Grind 1 tomato into puree. Apply the puree to clean moist face. Apply the first coat of puree and wait for it to dry. Apply the second coat of puree and when dry, peel the tomato face pack from your skin. This natural pack will also help to remove facial hair.

    Orange Peel Face Pack

    Grind an orange peel to powder. Two tablespoon of orange peel powder is added to water to make a thick paste. The paste is then applied on your face as a pack. When dry, wipe your face with a wet cotton ball. Rinse your face with luke warm milk to give a natural glow.

    Yogurt Face Pack

     Yogurt contains bleaching properties too to improve skin complexion. Three tablespoons of yogurt is added to a bowl. Add one tablespoon of oats to the yogurt and mix well. This face pack is then applied to the skin. When dry, peel the pack from your face in a downward manner to remove dead skin.

    Face packs to make skin fair

    Photo credit: Willis – willowzee.com / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA

    The above are the 8 Face Packs To Make Skin Fair.

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