8 important gardening resolutions for 2022 in India

8 important gardening resolutions for 2022 in India

Trying out home gardening tips in India is certainly beneficial for growing a garden. Tips for gardening at home are also equally useful to live in greenery surroundings.

Gardening is a passion for few. They are keen to improve gardening practices or even try something new. All across the world, people of different ages take to gardening for relaxation and also to grow food. Here on the home front, there are manifold home gardening tips India to try out.

People can grow vegetables or herbs and also experiment with different items. They can start an herbal tea garden. Teas can indeed be made from herbs such as mint, lemon balm, lavender as well as chamomile. Gardening is fun.

1. Go for Organic Gardening

Most gardeners make use of chemical fertilizers, which are not good for the produce as well as the environment. It is good to go in for organic gardening.

  • A person can fix metal gauze over fruits or vegetable plants in order to prevent birds, caterpillars, and flies instead of making use of pesticides.
  • Using organic neem oil solution over chemical pesticides helps to repel pests.
  • People can make use of organic feed such as compost, aged cow dung manure, or liquid seaweed feed over chemical fertilizers.

8 important gardening resolutions for 2022 in India

2. Promise to Save Water

It is good to save water by making use of rainwater in order to irrigate garden plants. The pH of rainwater is good for plants, as compared to tap water.

  • Saving water by collecting rainwater in a bucket.
  • Collection of rainwater on the terrace into a container.
  • Avoid wasting water.

This is one of the tips for gardening at home.

Also Read, 7 mental health benefits of gardening.

3. Reduce or Reuse Plastic

Plastic happens to be non-biodegradable material on the earth that may rather take up to 400 years to decompose. It is better to minimize the use of plastic.

  • Turn an old plastic box or perhaps bottles into a container or even hanging pots.
  • DIY the unused plastic bottle into the form of a bird feeder.
  • Make use of terracotta pots instead of plastic ones.

4. Work from Garden

Due to Covid, most people are working from home. A nature lover would like to set up his or her office in the garden area. Working in the area of plants does promote productivity and keeps the mind calm.

5. Grow More Food

The lockdown period encouraged people to grow their own food at home and that too the organic way. Growing different veggies is a fun activity.

6. Regular Weeding

Weeds are considered to be unwanted plants that tend to grow and compete with other plants for nutrients as well as water. Regular weeding will in fact ensure the plants in the garden do remain healthy and also help the yard look clean.

7. Attract Wildlife in the Garden

Invite birds by making birdbaths or even bird feeders. It is indeed a pleasurable activity to welcome butterflies, and bees by growing colorful, as well as fragrant flowers in the hedges. Go for nectar as well as pollen-rich flowering shrubs such as honeysuckle, bee balm, and sunflower.

Put some earthworms into one’s garden soil as they enable the soil to be more aerated, porous, as well as fertile.

8. Make Organic Compost

Wrap up the kitchen scraps into a compost pile in order to enrich the soil quality of garden soil. It does help serve as one of the most economical, organic, as well as handy fertilizers for garden plants.

  • Get hold of a large-sized plastic or metal bin.
  • Drill some holes on the lid for ventilation.
  • Place a paper towel at the bottom and then add vegetable scraps, eggshells, fruit peels, dried leaves, as well as grass clippings.
  • Keep adding scrapes whatever a person gets from one’s household, except for glass or plastic matter.
  • Compost will definitely be ready in 6-8 weeks. Then add it to garden soil or pots.

These are indeed useful tips for gardening at home.

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