8 Uses Of Coconut Milk For Hair

5 easy ways to remove make up naturally

Coconut oil is extensively used by a lot of the Indians. The reason why coconut oil is used on hair is because it is good for growth, prevents bald-headedness and also hides those grey strands.

Al though, according to experts coconut milk too is good for the hair growth and hair straightening. Likewise, there are other benefits too which you can also enjoy if you use coconut milk on your hair.

8 Uses Of Coconut Milk For Hair

Start with ends of your hair and then massage the milk into the scalp. Tie your hair and leave in for 15 minutes, follow the nice wash with natural homemade shampoo. Here is how coconut milk is good for hair, Have a look 8 Uses Of Coconut Milk For Hair.

Do You Lack Proteins

If you lack protein in the hair and that egg mask is not sufficient, try a coconut milk mask. It has a lot of proteins to help add volume to your strands.

Adds Shine

Just like how the coconut oil adds shine, the coconut milk too helps to give in that glistening shine to your hair after 3 applications.

For Damaged Hair

Coconut milk is good for the damaged hair. It helps to repair the hair from the root right up to tip.

Is Your Hair Knotty?

If your hair is knotty or thorny, try using coconut milk to help detangle your locks. In this way, you will not lose any hair too as detangling.

Rough Hair

Coconut milk is good for the rough hair. It helps to soften the hair in a week’s time. Together with this application, make sure you also pamper the hair with oil.

Coconut Milk

For Growth Coconut milk is good for the hair growth. It helps to stop the hair fall and helps in covering up that bald patch too. This is one of the benefits of using this natural milk.

8 Uses Of Coconut Milk For HairFor The Scalp

Did you know – applying coconut milk for hair treats the scalp too. A normal usage of this milk removes that itchy feeling in the scalp and also puts an end to dandruff.

Protects The Hair

The best coconut milk hair benefit is that it protects the hair from pollution and even hard water. Therefore, treating your tresses to coconut milk once in a week is important.

Photo credit: Foter / CC BY-SA

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