9 Yoga Poses That Build Strength

9 Yoga Poses That Build Strength

Yoga for strength training is worth considering to improve one’s body and it is also good to think of strength yoga for beginners if a person would like to start on the practice.

Yoga can help build strength in the core, arms, and legs. Yoga for strength training is beneficial.

There is of course the option of choosing strength yoga for beginners. 

1. Downward Facing Dog

Start in the downward-facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana). This is often known as a resting posture, and the downward dog does build strength. Take at least five and up to 20 breaths here.

2. Plank

Come forward to a plank pose with the shoulders over one’s wrists. Stay five to 10 breaths and strength can be felt in one’s arms.

It is important to maintain good alignment throughout by not letting one’s hips stick up or sag down. Instead, keep a nice, straight line from the crown of one’s head to one’s heels. It is possible to rest in a child’s pose between poses if a person needs to.

3. Chaturanga Dandasana

In case a person is working up to full chaturanga, drop the knees here before lowering. Hold the lowered position for a breath, then continue via one’s vinyasa ending up back in downward dog.


For increased intensity, rather than lowering to the floor, a person needs to press back up into a plank. It is possible to several rounds of these pushups before returning to downward dog.

Alignment cue: On an exhale press back up into plank with elbows that hug into the sides of one’s body; thighs engaged while lifting also from the navel; press out through heels and forward through the crown of the head.

4. Dolphin Pose

From downward-facing dog, lower your forearms to the mat, coming into dolphin pose (Ardha Pincha Mayurasana). The person has to bring the knees to the floor during the transition if a person needs to, but once you have arms set up return the legs to a down dog position.


For a challenge, you can try to lower the forearms to the floor simultaneously while keeping the legs in down dog.

5. Dolphin Push-Ups

Interlace one’s fingers. On an inhalation, bring the body forward to a forearm plank position with the shoulders over the elbows. On the next exhalation, push back to down dog legs.

Do five to 10 of these dolphin push-ups before lifting the elbows off the floor, straightening one’s arms, and returning to downward dog.

6. Downward Dog Split

Raise one’s right leg to down dog split (Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana). Keep the hips level and the right foot strongly flexed. Repeat this motion up to three times. After several breaths, step the right foot to the front of your mat.


For increased intensity, round the spine and tuck the chin as the person brings his or her shoulders over the wrists and the right knee to one’s nose on an exhalation. Inhale and return to down dog split.

7. Awkward Chair – Utkatasana

Step the left foot next to the right. Bend the knees and lift the arms to an awkward chair (Utkatasana). Stay here five breaths, challenging oneself to sit a little lower with each breath.

8. Standing Split

Forward fold over one’s legs, then lift the right leg into a standing split (Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana). If the hands do not comfortably reach the floor, then the person can use blocks under them. It is possible to work on one’s balance by bringing one or both hands to one’s left ankle. Do this three times.


To add a little dynamic movement, bend both the knees and also bring one’s right knee forward to meet the nose. Then re-extend the right leg.

9 Yoga Poses That Build Strength

9. Tree Pose

Bend the left knee slightly and stand up, ideally without letting one’s right foot touch the floor. When the person is upright, bring the sole of the right foot to the inside of one’s left thigh, or the calf if that is not possible. This is a tree pose (Vrksasana).

One’s hands can be used to place the foot. Bring the hands to the heart and find a focal point on the floor to help a person maintain one’s balance. In case a person would like to, bring the arms overhead. Try to stay 10 breaths before releasing the right foot to the floor.


Thus yoga for strength training can be followed up to improve one’s overall body shape.

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