Important Causes Of Hair Loss In Children

Important Causes Of Hair Loss In Children

Does your child lose hair for apparently no reason? It is best to look for the root cause early before the little one loses much hair and self-confidence. Whether it is a medical or non-medical cause, it is necessary to get a hair loss processed immediately. Read about Important Causes Of Hair Loss In Children

What causes hair loss in children?

With regard to hair loss in children, there are various factors involved. Although many cases require attention from the doctor, others will resolve themselves with time. For example, newborns lose their hair during the first months of life. But this is eventually replaced by the permanent hair. In other cases, there are reasons that require immediate medical assistance.

Non-medical causes of hair loss in children:

  • Severe chemicals used to treat hair
  • Hair dried at high temperature
  • Braids, ankles, and barrettes were too tight
  • Hair or brush used on wet hair, causing hair loss

Medical Causes of Hair Loss in Children:

There may be various medical causes behind children losing hair, especially children aged 26 months and older.

Tinea Capitis:

Known commonly as ringworm of the scalp, this is a fungal infection. It may look like sparkling hair loss spots on the head, round or oval. The hair can be broken on the surface of the scalp and look like blackheads.

Important Causes Of Hair Loss In ChildrenPediatricians prescribe:

  • Antifungal oral therapy and Use an antifungal shampoo to reduce excess mushroom.
  • It’s contagious; avoid sharing any objects that come into contact with the child’s head.

Alopecia Areata:

It is a non-contagious condition, caused by the immune system of the body attacking the hair follicles. It also presents as smooth, round or oval hair loss stains, without chipping or broken hair. Some children also have nail bites and nerves. Although there is no permanent cure, proper treatment can control the disease. Some cases evolve towards total alopecia or complete hair loss, while others lead to universal alopecia or total loss of body hair.


Hair loss is caused by children who shoot, take off their shoes, twist or rub their hair. The patches are usually seen on the side of the child’s dominant hand. This is often triggered by stress or anxiety in the child’s environment. Counseling is the best approach to correct the source that triggered the habit.

Telogen effluvium:

It is a condition in which sudden or severe stress interrupts the normal cycle of hair growth. This may be due to:

  • extremely high fever
  • surgery under general anesthesia
  • the death of a loved one
  • a serious injury
  • due to certain drugs

In this case, the hair follicles cease to grow prematurely and enter the resting phase. Subsequently, this results in excessive hair loss, resulting in partial or complete baldness. He has no treatment. Once the stressful event is over, complete hair growth usually returns within six months to one year.

Nutritional Imbalance:

Hair loss can be a symptom of deficiencies/excess in certain nutrients, including:

Vitamin H deficiency, or biotin, a vitamin B complex, which helps metabolize carbohydrates into glucose energy.

Zinc deficiency, an essential mineral involved in cellular metabolism.
Excess of vitamin A.

Coping with Hair Loss:

If your child has the aforementioned conditions, then think it’s an emotionally challenging time for him. In addition to a loss of self-confidence, they are often ridiculed or intimidated because of their baldness or thinning hair. Get fast treatment. Do not ignore the psychological and emotional aspects. Recognize and validate their feelings. Help them work through their emotions.

Take timely and immediate steps to stop hair loss. Support your child in difficult times. With timely intervention and treatment, your child will have a reason to smile again! Share your views in the comments section below.


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