Best 10 Cheap and Healthy Foods for Weight Loss


A desire to lose weight does not mean that you need to spend money on a gym membership or expensive supplements. One of the best ways to keep your weight under control is through your diet. By changing what you eat and how you eat, you can lose many pounds.

A weight loss diet can fit any budget. There are many super healthy foods you can buy when you have a tight budget. At the same time, buying affordable food does not mean you have to compromise on taste.

Also, when you have a budget, you can save money by cooking at home as much as possible, buying seasonal food and buying some bulk items.

Losing weight is a difficult task, but knowing what foods are good for you is half the battle.

1. Oats

When it comes to losing weight, a healthy breakfast is a must. A delicious and healthy breakfast option that can suit any budget is oatmeal.

Oatmeal is a good source of soluble fiber that allows you to feel fuller longer and control your hunger until your next meal.

A bowl of oatmeal daily can also help your metabolic health.

When eating oatmeal, avoid adding sugar. Instead of using stevia, honey or spices like cinnamon or nutmeg to give it flavor. You can also fill it with healthy nuts and fruits.

2. Yogurt

Another good healthy breakfast is Greek yogurt. Buying a yogurt container will not cost you much.

This yogurt contains probiotic bacteria that can improve the functioning of your gut, which in turn protects against inflammation and resistance to leptin, the main hormonal engine of obesity.

The high protein content of yogurt can help you feel full longer and prevent hunger by keeping your blood sugar levels stable.

In addition, the large amount of calcium in the process promotes weight loss.

3. Popcorn

If you like to eat popcorn, rather than salted or buttered popcorn, try homemade popcorn and stir-fried with different spice blends. It’s a lot cheaper and also helps weight loss.

An air-popped popcorn cup contains very few calories and a good amount of fiber, which can keep you longer. Air-popped popcorn also contains small amounts of vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, iron, and copper.

Best 10 Cheap and Healthy Foods for Weight Loss4. Grapefruit

A cheap fruit that deserves to be on this list is grapefruit. Packed with vitamin C, fiber, and water, grapefruit helps to lose weight. The vitamin C content has a direct impact on the metabolism, which is important for burning fat.

5. Apples

Eating an apple every day will not only keep the doctor away but will also keep your weight under control.

In addition to being low in calories, apples are a rich source of fiber, which means your stomach stays satisfied longer and prevents you from overeating. Plus, antioxidants in apples can boost your metabolism, which is important for getting rid of stored fat.

Whenever you are hungry between meals, take an apple. Since most nutrients are present just under the skin, it’s a good idea to eat apples with the skin. Be sure to rinse the skin under running water. Or, you can soak the apples in a bowl filled with water mixed with 1 teaspoon white vinegar for 10 minutes, then rinse under tap water and dry them with a paper towel.

6. Green Tea

If you’re used to drinking coffee, then it’s time to go green tea. Whether you’re making coffee at home or buying a cup at a café, coffee costs more than green tea.

In addition, green tea is much healthier than coffee and even supports weight loss.

Green tea is loaded with antioxidants, which can boost your immune system. In fact, catechins in green tea hinder the storage of belly fat and help with rapid weight loss.

7. Spinach

Another budget-friendly vegetable that you need to include in your weight loss diet plan is spinach. This green leafy vegetable is very cheap but its nutritional value is very high.

Spinach is low in calories and carbohydrates and filled with nutrients and fiber to fill you up. Spinach will increase the volume of your meals without increasing calories.

You can enjoy this versatile food in the salad, vegetable juice, green smoothie or soup.

8. Beans, Legumes, and Pulses

Beans, legumes, and legumes are healthy foods that you can buy in bulk and enjoy daily.

They are rich in fiber and protein. This means that just a bowl of cooked beans, legumes or legumes can keep you full for longer. They also contain little or no fat and are cholesterol free.

In addition, they are packed with iron, magnesium, potassium and folic acid. These foods also have a low glycemic index, which means that carbohydrates in them do not significantly increase blood sugar levels.

9. Cheese Cottage

Cheese made from curd is readily available on the market, or you can even do it at home. Cottage cheese has a sweet and fresh taste that most people like.

Being a dairy product, cottage cheese tends to be high in protein, which makes it very satisfying and keeps you full for a longer time. The high calcium level also facilitates the fat burning process.

In addition, cottage cheese contains vitamin A, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium and zinc.

You can eat cottage cheese as a snack after having seasoned it with some herbs. You can also use it in sandwiches, salads, soups, and stir-fries. Make sure you opt for low-fat or non-fat cottage cheese.

10. Carrots

It’s true that carrots are good for your eyes, but they’re good for your weight and wallet too.

Because of the high fiber and water content of carrots, they can increase satiety and reduce caloric intake.

You can nibble carrots between meals as a healthy snack. You can even dip them in your favorite hummus or salsa for extra taste.


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