US President Donald Trump’s Exercise and Eating Habits

US President Donald Trump's Exercise and Eating Habits

US president Donald Trump is now 71 years old and is overweight which indicates that he has not had sufficient exercise and has not taken care of his diet and weight.

Why is Donald Trump overweight?

  • A change in lifestyle is required.
  • No proper sleep.
  • Food habits are not proper.
  • Diminished cognition symptoms
  • Anxiety
  • Requires adequate exercise from appearance.
  • Stressful job

His lifestyle:

  • He wakes up at 5.30 am, although some say he wakes up at 4.00am
  • He washes his hair, lets it dry and then combs it.
US President Donald Trump's Exercise and Eating Habits
King of Expressions.

What do Doctors say about him?

The physicians are not worried about his weight as they feel he is always in motion and active. No doubt he does need to lose some pounds.

His health:

  • He has high cholesterol and is taking appropriate medication for it.


Unlike other US presidents, Donald Trump does not do any workouts.

  • He plays golf.
  • Practically no exercise. He avoids it as he has a particular belief that exercise depletes energy.

Food habits:

Donald Trump loves fast food and depends much on it for his meals. Often physicians have been critical about his food habits and of exercise. His preferences for food are considered to be a pedestrian in nature. The food must be cooked thoroughly.

  • He loves fast foods.
  • Burgers.
  • Filets-o-fish
  • Sausage.
  • Potatoes–au-gratin.
  • Biscuits.
  • Pasta.
  • French Fries
  • Eats Domino’s Pizza
  • Kentucky Fried Chicken
  • MacDonald’s Bog Mac.abs
  • Shrimps.
  • Steak.
  • Occasional salad.
  • Vegetable.
  • Red meat.
  • Diet Coke.
  • Cheese.
  • Likes wine.

For Breakfast:

He usually avoids it but has bacon and eggs or cereal. Avoids coffee or tea as he prefers to stay away from caffeine.


  • Potato chips.
  • Keebler Vienna Fingers.

The above is all about the US President Donald Trump’s Exercise and Eating Habits.


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