Breech Baby: Types, Causes, How to Turn, & Risks

Breech Baby: Types, Causes, How to Turn, & Risks

The optimal position in order to deliver vaginally is head down, or vertex. The vertex position does help the fetus pass through the pelvis easily. Most babies will rather move into the vertex position, but 1 out of 25 will breach.

What is a Breech Baby?

The breech position happens to be when the fetus is, in fact, passing through the birth canal feet or rather bottom first. If one is receiving adequate prenatal care, indeed standard practice at one’s last few weeks of pregnancy, the doctor will indeed check to see which way the baby is lying. If a vertex is not in the actual position the infant is found to be in, the doctor will rather confirm with ultrasound and talk about the options one has to flip the baby or deliver via Caesarean section devivery.

When a baby is considered “breach” in their position, it does mean the infant is not presenting through the birth canal with its head down, but rather, bottom down.

Four types of breech lie exist:

Frank Breech:

The baby’s legs are rather stretched like the infant is reaching to his toes, where the feet are then close to the head.

Footling Breech:

One of the infant’s legs is down feet first, covering the cervix.

Complete Breech:

The infant is sitting up with his own knees bent and bottom first.

Incomplete Breech:

The baby has nearly one-foot bent and one foot by his bottom.

Breech Baby: Types, Causes, How to Turn, & RisksCauses of a Breech Baby

As of now, no distinct causes are related to a breech pregnancy. Though, there are certain things that can indeed prove to be risky.

They include the following:

• Preterm labor
• Abnormal uterus, fibroids
• Too much amniotic fluid
• Placenta previa
• Multiple pregnancies

How to Turn a Breech Baby?

There are rather few procedures that one’s doctor may indeed suggest for a breech baby such as:

External Version (EV):

The doctor may indeed offer oneself a procedure usually referred to as an external version. An external version may rather cause some discomfort, but it is a relatively safe procedure. The doctor can indeed move the infant by pushing on one’s abdomen on the outside, guiding the infant to the vertex position. The version has been attempted between weeks 35-37, if done earlier it is likely the infant is too small and will flip back.


Natural ways to turn the baby include using music. One can try to place headphones on the lower part of one’s abdomen, and it may encourage the baby to turn towards it.

Chiropractic Care:

One can try a chiropractor who may be able to help one move the baby.

Other natural ways to turn are no doubt available but talking to one’s doctor to see if it is safe for one before attempting is important. Seeking appropriate medical help is indeed essential for proper results.

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