5 Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat

5 Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat

Exercises to lose belly fat, belly fat exercise
A person has to do exercises in order to get rid of belly fat. It is important to be aware that belly fat causes serious health issues.
Belly fat happens to be the most dangerous kind of fat. It is also the most difficult to get rid of. Exercises to lose belly fat, belly fat exercise need to be carried out.

A person suffering from it is at a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and certain cancers.

In order to get rid of it is important to (a) exercise, (b) learn from experts, and (c) change one’s lifestyle.

What Causes Belly Fat?

The most common cause of belly fat is a sedentary lifestyle.
Constantly sitting in one place, not working out, genetics, poor food habits, slow metabolism, and menopause are some other causes.
Also, scientists have also found that stress can also lead to fat accumulation in the belly region.
Why is this health condition so “dangerous”? What really happens in one’s body?

Why Is Belly Fat So Dangerous?

Belly fat is dangerous on account of the health risks it poses.
Visceral fat causes low-grade inflammation in the body which in turn constricts the blood vessels and also causes the blood pressure to rise and increases the risk of insulin resistance.
As a result, you will be more prone to hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, as well as asthma. Exercises to lose belly fat, belly fat exercise help to overcome these health issues.

Medically termed as visceral fat, belly fat is a layer of fat between the subcutaneous fat (fat layer right below the skin) and the internal organs.

5 Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat
People working out at a gym

How To Measure Belly Fat At Home

Belly fat can be measured using these two standard methods:

Waist Circumference

Stand straight and make use of a measuring tape in order to measure the waist circumference. Place the tape below the last rib and above one’s hip bones. Any reading over 35 inches (for women) and 40 inches (for men) is considered to be dangerous.

Waist To Hip Ratio:

Stand straight and measure the waist circumference. Next, measure the hip circumference. Take two readings to arrive at an accurate reading. Divide the waist circumference by the hip circumference. Any ratio of over 0.85 (for women) and 0.90 (for men) is dangerous.
If you fall in the “danger” zone or somewhere close, your next step is to exercise. Also, workout your belly muscles as shown below.

Exercises to lose belly fat, belly fat exercise are in several forms.

1. Brisk Walking

Target – Whole body workout to mobilize fat.

How To Do?

1. Start by walking at a slow pace (say 5 mph).
2. After a minute, start walking briskly. Do it for 20 seconds (6-8 mph).
3. Slow down again and walk slowly for a minute.
4. Again, walk briskly for 20 seconds.

Sets & Reps

Do it for 5-10 minutes.

2. HIIT Sprints:

Target – Whole body workout to mobilize fat.

How To Do?

1. Start by jogging at 6 mph.
2. After a minute, start to run at a higher speed (10-12 mph). Do it for 20 seconds.
3. Slow down again and jog for a minute.
4. Run for 20 seconds.
Sets & Reps
Do it for at least 5 minutes.

3. Crunches

Target – Lower and upper abs.

How To Do?

Lie down on a mat, flex the knees, and lift the feet off the floor.
1. Place a thumb at the back of each ear. Hold the back of one’s head with the rest of the fingers. Lift the head off the floor. This is the starting position.
Sets & Reps
2 sets of 12 reps

4. Bicycle Crunches

2. Initiate the movement by curling up and trying to reach one’s knees with one’s head.
3. Go back to the starting position.

4. Make sure you inhale while curling up and exhale while going down.

Target – upper abs, lower abs, obliques, glutes, hamstrings, and quads.

How to Do?

1. Lie down on a mat, flex the knees, and lift one’s feet off the floor.
2. Place a thumb at the back of each ear. Hold the back of one’s head with the rest of the fingers. Lift the head off the floor. This is the starting position.
3. Push the left leg down and extend it straight. Simultaneously, curl up and twist to one’s right. Try to touch the left elbow with the right knee.
4. Curl back down and bring the left leg back to the flexed position.
5. Do the same with the other leg.
Sets & Reps
2 sets of 12 reps

5. Half Seated Reverse Crunch

Target – Lower abs, upper abs, and glutes.

How to Do?

1. Sit on a mat, flex the knees, and place the feet flat on the floor. Lean back and support the body on the elbows. This is the starting position.
2. Lift both the legs off the floor and bring the knees almost close to one’s nose.
3. Slowly, bring your legs down to the starting position.
Sets & Reps
3 sets of 15 reps

Also, read: Exercises for Butterfly Swimmers

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