10 common myths about Meditation

10 common myths about Meditation

Common meditation myths are manifold and knowing about them helps a person to lead a better life. Those meditating enjoy the benefits of meditation.

Life is so stressful these days that most people are meditating to maintain a healthy mental balance. Yet there are certain common meditation myths about it. What are they?

1. Meditation is concentration

Meditation means de-concentration. Concentration is derived from meditation. While concentration does require effort, meditation is an absolute relaxation of one’s mind. Meditation is letting go and when that happens, the person experiences a state of deep rest. A relaxed mind means better concentration. This is one of the many benefits of meditation.

2. Meditation is a religious practice

Yoga and meditation are ancient practices transcending all religions. There is no bar on any religion as far as meditation is concerned. Meditation can indeed bring religions, nations, and faiths together.

3. Sit in the lotus posture to meditate

The Patanjali Yoga Sutras is a scientific study that brings forth details of the nature of the mind. While meditating, it is very important to be comfortable and steady. It helps us to have a deeper experience. The meditating person can sit cross-legged, on a chair, on a sofa. While starting meditation, sit with the spine erect. Relax the head, neck, and shoulders.

4. Meditation is for old people

Meditation is indeed universal and adds value to the lives of people of all age groups. One can start meditating at the tender age of eight or nine. Meditation does keep the mind clear and stress-free. Common meditation myths are manifold and this is one among them.

5. Meditation is similar to hypnotism

Meditation is an antidote for hypnosis. In hypnotism, the person is not aware of what he or she is undergoing. Meditation is considered to be complete awareness of each moment. Meditation helps liberate the person from impressions. Hypnotism increases metabolic activity, meditation reduces it.

6. Meditation is controlling thoughts

Thoughts do not come by invitation. A person becomes aware of them only after they have arrived. Thoughts are similar to clouds in the sky. They come and then go on their own. To control the thoughts does involve effort, and the key to a relaxed mind is effortlessness. In meditation, a person does crave good thoughts nor is averse to bad ones. The person is a witness and also transcends the thoughts and then moves into a silent space deep within.

Practicing meditation regularly does alleviate a person from stress-related problems, deeply relaxes the mind, and then rejuvenates the system.

10 common myths about Meditation

7. Meditation is a way of escaping from problems

On the contrary, meditation does empower a person to face problems with a smile. Meditation helps develop skills to handle situations pleasantly and constructively. The person develops the ability to accept situations as they are and also take conscious action. There is no brooding over the past or worry about the future. Meditation nurtures one’s inner strength and self-esteem. The person moves ahead swiftly with confidence.

8. A person has to meditate for hours to experience bliss

There is no need to sit for hours to have a deeper experience. The connection with that inner space, one’s source, can happen in a fraction of a moment.

9. Meditation means becoming a sanyasi (a monk or recluse)

There is no need to give up material life to meditate or progress on the spiritual path. It improves the quality of one’s enjoyment improves as a person meditates. With a relaxed and peaceful mind, it is possible to be happy and make others happy as well happy.

10. Meditate only at certain times, facing certain directions for benefits

Anytime is a good time for meditation and all directions are good. The stomach should not be full, or else a person may doze off instantly rather than meditate But, it is a good practice to meditate during sunrise and sunset. It keeps a person calm and energetic throughout the day.


Although there are so many myths about meditation, there are so several benefits of meditation.

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