About Ebola – The Deadly Disease

About Ebola - The Deadly Disease
About Ebola - The Deadly Disease

Ebola – The Deadly Disease is a fatal disease that was first discovered in the year 1976 near Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It was confined to African Continent and occurred sporadically in the region until the latest outbreak which has taken over 5140 lives in the West African nations of Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone primarily.

About Ebola - The Deadly Disease
About Ebola – The Deadly Disease

Causes of Ebola

A virus from Filoviridae family having the genus Ebolavirus is thought to be the primary causal agent of Ebola. Five identified Ebola virus species known until the date and of these four namely Ebola Virus, Sudan Virus, Tai Forest Virus and Bundibugyo Virus are known to cause Ebola in Humans.

Risk Factors of Ebola

Those who care for the Ebola affected patients including healthcare providers and family of the affected patient are at the utmost danger of getting affected due to Ebola. The infection can happen due to exposure to blood or body fluids of the patients.

Symptoms of Ebola

Probable symptoms of Ebola include fever, headache, muscle pain, weakness, fatigue, diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal pain and unexplained haemorrhage. Most of these symptoms appear from within 2 to 21 days after exposure to Ebola but in general cases these can appear within 8 to 10 days of contacting the virus.


In the initial stages, diagnosing Ebola can be a challenge for the medical professionals as symptoms like fever and headache are common in general diseases too. However, diagnostic tests including IgM ELISA test and Virus Isolation test can lead to the identification of the Ebola virus. Those who have returned from any assignment in Ebola infected zone of West Africa should get them screened voluntarily for the virus.

Treatment for Ebola

It is a cause of concern for medical professionals that no FDA-approved vaccine is available for Ebola until date. However, an experimental vaccine is under development and human trials of the same are being conducted presently.

However, those who suffer from Ebola are provided with intravenous fluids and balancing electrolytes. The oxygen status in such patients needs to maintain, and blood pressure should be monitor.


Overall Prognosis for Ebola as a disease is considered very poor as of now. High mortality in case of patients who is suffering from Ebola has seen. Death for up to 90 percent has reported in cases of Ebola in West Africa. The only exception is Reston strain that has not caused any illness in human beings.

Zaire Ebola virus has been reported to be the most deadly species of Ebola until now.


Careful hygiene practices must be followed. These include washing hands with soap or alcohol based hand sanitizer.

No contact should be made with any item that the person affected with Ebola might have used.

Health monitoring for up to 21 days after returning from any of the Ebola affected region should be followed in letter and spirit.

The above all details About Ebola – The Deadly Disease and It’s Causes, Risk Factors, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prognosis and Prevention.

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