5 Tips to Help Breathe Easier in Hot or Cold Weather

5 Tips to Help Breathe Easier in Hot or Cold Weather

Many people experience difficulty breathing in hot weather although cold weather helps to breathe. In other words, whether fluctuations do affect normal breathing.

Air quality and changing weather can affect a person’s breathing. This is so when there is much pollution and also rising heat as well as humidity. The cold air helps to breathe no doubt. In case, a person suffers from chronic lung health issues such as asthma or COPD then he or she does struggle a lot to breathe comfortably in the changing weather conditions. People suffering from lung conditions face breathing issues when the weather is not conducive.

Few people are affected by cold weather in the wintertime as cold temperatures tend to dry their air passages. Others do get affected in hot and humid weather on account of the heaviness of moisture in the air. Some also get affected when there happen to be rapid changes in temperature as well as barometric pressures. Those affected find it difficult to adjust.

1. Adapt to weather

As a person cannot change the weather he or she has to adapt to it. It is a good idea to keep the temperature levels under control at home and also deal with the fluctuations in weather as much as possible. For example, if entering an air-conditioned room from hot weather outside, then it is a good idea to wear a sweater. Then when going out from heated atmosphere in the room to cold weather outside then it better to keep oneself warm and also cover one’s nose as well as mouth. It is important to dress up warmly and also humidify the air that a person breathes in. No doubt, a person does experience difficulty breathing in hot weather. Cold weather causes health issues, but cold air helps to breathe as well.

5 Tips to Help Breathe Easier in Hot or Cold Weather

2. Avoid triggers that can be controlled

Apart from temperature, other environmental factors do affect one’s breathing. It is better to quit smoking. Avoid secondhand smoke and other irritants.

Other types of smoke:

  • Fumes
  • Outdoor allergy triggers
  • High humidity and heat
  • Aerosol products
  • Insecticides
  • Mold, dust, and mildew
  • Cleaning products

3. Use medications if required

In case of chronic lung condition, the doctor may prescribe medications to help a person manage weather-related breathing difficulties. Those patients suffering from asthma as well as COPD and using medications or inhalers regularly prescribed by the doctor to control inflammation will make the airways less sensitive to temperature fluctuations. The better the control of one’s disease as well as inflammation the more resilient one’s lings will be.

4. Embracing a healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle does matter a lot as it does improve breathing quality. Maintaining a healthy diet, structured exercise regimen, preventing respiratory infections, controlling stress proper hydration, and drinking plenty of water in warm and hot weather.

5.Timely medical help

Although a person may feel extreme weather conditions are causing breathing issues, timely medical help is important. It does help to consult the doctor. Shortness p breath is considered to be abnormal.

Also Read, 5 Tips to Help Breathe Easier in Hot or Cold Weather.


Cold weather can indeed cause many problems when it issues to managing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) symptoms. Very cold temperatures tend to further narrow already affected airways, thus causing several issues of events that can increase difficulty in one’s breathing, mucus production, coughing, and many more health issues. Much discomfort is felt, and such flares can exacerbate COPD which can turn out to be dangerous.

It is important to breathe freely and any obstruction requires medical help.

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