7 Indian Winter Foods to Keep Warm and Healthy

7 Indian Winter Foods to Keep Warm and Healthy
Indian Winter Foods

Indian Winter Foods to Keep Warm and Healthy

Seasonal foods are popular and wintertime also means delicious winter food to choose from. In other words, food for every mood! India is host to way too many people and traditions, innumerable species of veggies and foods, and diverse tastes and preferences that find expression in every season.
So it is only natural that there are way too many foods that find particular expression in the country in its winter food. People have a taste of authentic Indian winter food that will make them enjoy every bit of it.

7 Indian Winter Foods to Keep Warm and Healthy
Winter Foods to Keep Warm and Healthy

1. Phenni

A rich Rajasthani dessert that happens to be exclusive to the winters, fenni and is available in every corner of the market during the month of Ramzan. Phenni is a disc-shaped dessert that is prepared by deep frying Sewaiyyan or vermicelli in ghee prior to being soaked in sugary syrup.
Yet, feni vermicelli is a wheat flour or rice flour-based preparation that is made by experts in confectioners in Jaipur and also in Gujarat. The desi ghee does give flavor and the saffron-infused color is a delight during bleary winter days. Fenni is mixed with hot milk and then relished as a super rich sweet treat.

7 Indian Winter Foods to Keep Warm and Healthy

2. Dault Ki Chat :

If in India during winter the person can absolutely not miss out on a delightful foamy dessert. Dominating the delectable wintry delights in Dilwalo ki Dilli is indeed the famed Daulat ki Chaat- that is a daulat (treasure) of exquisite richness. It is a satiating and satisfying treat. Raw milk is rather mixed with cream and then left out in the open overnight when of course the misty dew of the winter does work upon the concoction and also leaves it in a rich texture. This mixture is then hand churned until it happens to be so light and frothy that it does look like a mass of snowy white cloud! It is also blended with sweetened Khoya and served no doubt topped with more Khoya.

7 Indian Winter Foods to Keep Warm and Healthy
Dault Ki Chat

3. Beetroot Thoran :

Nutritionists may not vouch for the sugars, especially in winter which is why a healthy seasonal dish is preferred. Beetroot Thoran happens to be a veggie preparation and is a traditional Keralian dish that has beetroot cooked with turmeric and also chilies. The Thoran is tasty and healthy. Due to its warming and healing properties, turmeric is a useful spice especially so in winter.

7 Indian Winter Foods to Keep Warm and Healthy
Beetroot Thoran

4. Nolen Gurer Sandesh :

Bengalis are known for this dish Sondesh which is a sweet that is really tasty. Nolen Gurer Sandesh is considered to be a winter specialty. This dish uses palm Jaggery or Nolen Gur for a distinct taste and flavor.

7 Indian Winter Foods to Keep Warm and Healthy
Nolen Gurer Sandesh

5. Ladoos :

If Ladoos are much desired Ram Ladoo is the in thing. A popular winter food lining the Delhi streets, these are of course Moong dal Ladoos which are savory and more Chaat-like than the Daulat ki Chaat.

6. Gur ka Halwa : 

Come winter avoid refined sugar and switch to Jaggery. Gur is known to produce calories that help keep the body warm and is thus a healthy as well as tasty alternative to sugar.

7. Undhiyu :

Undhiyu is mostly a winter preparation. Seasonal veggies are made use of and are therefore a healthy preparation. Undhiyu incorporates a variety of veggies but the basic need is fenugreek out of which dumplings are made and a curry is prepared out of it. It is traditionally cooked upside down underground in earthen pots fired from above. It is eaten with puri.

8 . Koraishutir Kochuri :

This crispy, snack, a winter native is Koraishutir Kochuri and is spiced with peas stuffing. This is a Bengali dish containing ‘peas’ and is lip-smacking in wintertime.

7 Indian Winter Foods to Keep Warm and Healthy
Koraishutir Kochuri

Conclusion :

India thus boasts of its diverse cultures and also cuisines and winter food in India is no different. With the approaching winter season and increasing appetites, it is indeed time to prep up and also indulge in deliciously winter food delicacies.



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