Summer Skin Care Secrets: Stay Glowing Under the Sun

Summer Skin Care Secrets: Stay Glowing Under the Sun
Summer Skin Care Secrets: Stay Glowing Under the Sun

Giving one’s skin a healthy shine in the sunny season is not as hard as a person thinks. A Summer Skin Care routine can help a person see the glow on one’s skin even in hot weather.

Summer is undoubtedly the time to plan beach holidays and have fun under the sun. Yet, it is also time to switch one’s skincare routine. There is no need to worry about lacking glowing skin in summer, as a summer skincare routine, if followed diligently, can protect the skin from harsh rays. It is vital to protect, nourish, and also hydrate one’s skin to keep it glowing during summer.

1. Consider Changing One’s Face Wash

Cleansing one’s face is the most basic summer skincare routine that a person needs to follow. During summer, the climate is hot and also humid. One’s face does tend to produce more oil during this time, and thus the person needs to change her cleanser accordingly.

Oily skin does take the maximum beating as the pores get easily clogged and cause acne. Get a foaming cleanser that does contain salicylic acid for summer.

If having dry skin, the concerned person can experience redness and rashes. Use a non-soapy face wash to clean one’s face twice a day. The same is applicable for those with combination skin.

Those who do have normal skin can indeed switch to a gel-based face wash during summer. Washing the face twice or thrice a day makes a person feel refreshed.

2. Do Not Forget Sunscreen

Sun protection for one’s face, hands, legs, and any other exposed parts of one’s body is vital. Excessive UV exposure can rather permanently damage one’s skin and cause sunburn, wrinkles, fine lines, skin cancer, and also premature aging.

Invest in a sunblock or sunscreen that has a broad UV spectrum (at least SPF 30). Apply it twice a day on all the exposed parts of your skin. You should also wear sun hats and UV-protective clothing for extra shielding.

3. Add a Punch of Antioxidants

Investing in serums, moisturizers, and also sunscreens that come with an additional punch of antioxidants is useful to use. Also, vitamin C  does protect one’s skin from environmental damage, prevents wrinkles, and boosts collagen development.

Summer Skin Care Secrets: Stay Glowing Under the Sun

Creams and serums loaded with natural extracts and antioxidants reduce inflammation (which is pretty common in summer), neutralize harmful free radicals, and also repair the skin.

4. Add Fruits and Vegetables to One’s Diet

Applying antioxidants topically is not enough. Have a summer skincare routine that includes eating healthy fruits and vegetables.  To maintain radiant skin, the person needs to nourish it accordingly. Healthy eating is a must during summer. Consuming chlorophyll-rich foods and also water-rich fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon, are part and parcel of such eating habits. They do contain essential vitamins, nutrients, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants that boost collagen production, reduce inflammation, and also protect the skin from the damaging effects of the sun.

5. Keeping Oneself Hydrated

Drink plenty of water and avoid forgetting to carry a water bottle with you wherever you go. Apart from drinking water, they can also consume cold green tea and coconut water or cucumber juice for a change as well. This is indeed important to keep one’s skin hydrated, flush out toxins from the body, and feel refreshed during the hot summer days.

6. Go Easy on Makeup

When it comes to makeup during summer months, do minimal, as the skin needs to breathe, so try wearing mineral-based makeup when the weather is super hot and humid, as these products are, of course, light and also anti-inflammatory. If absolutely cannot do without one’s foundation, go for a tinted moisturizer with SPF and layer it with face powder to avoid any patchy spots.

7. Exfoliate

During summer, your skin works hard to keep itself healthy and heal any irritation or sunburn. Help your skin in this process by exfoliating it gently. Exfoliation helps buff away the dead skin cells, leaving your skin looking radiant.

You can use homemade sugar scrubs to exfoliate your skin or simply scrub your skin gently with a washcloth. A sandalwood scrub not only exfoliates the skin but also keeps it cool and bright. However, make sure that over-exfoliating the skin is not done.

8. Do not cut down on one’s resting time

One’s body needs time to repair itself and also maintain healthy skin. Sufficient rest keeps the skin fresh and glowing. This is essential as during the summer months, the days are longer, and most people tend to be active for longer. Being exposed to the sun longer also leads to dull skin and the appearance of the signs of aging. Checking out a few home remedies to treat dull skin is beneficial for proper skin glow.

Getting enough sleep prevents the signs of aging, improves skin barrier function, and also makes the person look generally fresher and more attractive.


Most people desire healthy, glowing skin in summer, and for this, they need to follow a proper summer skincare routine.

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