Pamper Hair With These Ayurvedic Oil Recipes

Pamper Hair With These Ayurvedic Oil Recipes

Pamper Hair With These Ayurvedic Oil Recipes

#pamperhairwithayurvedicoil #massagehairwithhibiscusoil #ayurvedicoilrecipes

Did anyone know why Indian women have the best-looking hair across the world? Well, for one reason and one reason only – they pamper their locks with the natural ayurvedic oils. Indian women like to massage their scalp with the hot oils made merely with hibiscus, Amla, & tulsi. If you want the hair to look gorgeous and feel high, then take a look at some of these recipes you can try, to make the ayurvedic oil at the house.

Take the look at these three best oils to use on the hair. Make sure to  follow these Indian hair care tips so that the tresses are pampered and looked after.

These homemade ayurvedic oils would last for the year if you store it in well conditions i.e., apart from direct sunlight, and in an air tight container. Here is how to Pamper Hair With These Ayurvedic Oil Recipes.

Pamper Hair With These Ayurvedic Oil RecipesHibiscus Hair Oil:

Use this flower to prevent the hair thinning &  hair fall. To make this ayurvedic hair oil at home, here is the method.

Ingredients will need 3  to 4 hibiscus flowers, a handful of leaves, one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds and coconut oil.


Grind the flowers & the leaves to one paste. In the vessel, add coconut oil &  add the paste of the hibiscus. Heat the contents on the medium flame. Keep stirring the oil &  the paste. Now drop in the fenugreek seeds and enable them to pop. When done, store this ayurvedic oil. When required, heat the little oil and massage the hair and scalp.

Photo credit : Google search

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