How To Use Curry Leaves For Skin and hair?

How to use curry leaves for skin and hair?

How To Use Curry Leaves For Skin and hair?

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The growing environmental pollution and some of your unhealthy habits hamper your skin to some great extent. Using some face wash or scrubber is not the ultimate thing you need to take care of your skin.

You need something extra to nourish your skin from inside. The cosmetic products available at the market can give you the quick solution, but that would not sustain long. You want something that provides you the best skin care and leaves a smooth & healthy skin.

Only homemade remedies can cure the skin problem. You want not spend a lot for that. Just search your kitchen buckets and you would get numerous products that come handy to you. Curry leaves are one of such products. Using curry leaves for the skin has several benefits. The antimicrobial properties and appearance of vitamins (Vitamin A and C) makes it a healthy adds on to your food. But you can also use the curry leaves for solving the skin problems.

How to use curry leaves for skin and hair? Solving skin difficulties is not only limited to your face or body. You can not forget about your scalp. Yes, Curry also leaves solve hair problems like dandruff and enhances hair growth. Let’s have a look at how to use curry leaves for the skin.

How to use curry leaves for skin and hair?
How to use curry leaves for skin and hair

Benefits of Curry Leaves For Skin and hair

Curry Leaves And Turmeric Pack

Using curry leaves for the skin can solve your problem of acne. Make a paste with fresh curry leaves and turmeric. Now apply it on the acne. Wait until the pack gets dry. Now wash smoothly.

Curry Leaves For Dandruff

Never ignore to take care of the scalp. Dandruff is a very common problem. But getting rid of it is not that much easy. Make the pack with curry leaves paste and boiled milk & apply it on your scalp for 15 minutes. Regular use can give you the right result.

Curry Leaves To Cure Cuts And Burns

Do you know how to use curry leaves for skin? Besides solving the skin problems, it also cures your cuts, insects’ bites, burns, etc. Boil curry leaves with milk. Keep it at room temperature for cooling. Now dip a cotton ball into it & dab on the area smoothly.

Curry Leaves For Scalp’s Nutrition

Like your body, your scalp also wants food. How to use curry leaves for skin and hair? Boil curry leaves in coconut oil. Let the mixture be cooled. Massage the scalp each night before going to bed. It would make your scalp healthy and hence improve hair extension.

Curry Leaves For Glowing Skin

What are other methods of using curry leaves for skin? To get glowing and wrinkle free skin, you can trust on this herb blindly. Take powdered curry leaves. Make the paste with Multani mitti. Add few drops of rose water. Apply it on the face and body. Wash after drying.

Curry Leaves And Lemon Juice

It is very disturbing to have pimples. And what is more, offensive is the pimple marks. Make the paste of curry leaves and add a few drops of lemon juice to it to make the paste smoother. Now, apply it to the affected area & leave for 10-12 minutes. Wash thoroughly.

So, now you know How To Use Curry Leaves For Skin and Hair. All these are applying methods from outside. If you keep this herb in the regular diet, your inner system will become stronger to face any skin and hair problems.

#Photo credit : Google search

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