Steam Facial for Pimples and Oily Skin

Steam Therapy for Sinus Problems

Among the different skin types, oily skin is hands down the most problematic one. People who have oily skin suffer from various kinds of problems including pimples, acne, whiteheads, blackheads, skin pigmentation and so on. This is simply because the skin pores get clogged with dirt, dust, sweat, grime, and oil. As a result, the skin loses its glow and radiance as well. Read Steam Facial for Pimples

While regular cleansing is all you need, people fail to do so and suffer from acne breakouts and other skin conditions. And, what do they do? They resort to OTC gels and creams to rid the acne and blemishes. And, Boom! Their skin gets all the more riddled with acne and lets us not forget the scars left behind by those nasty zits!

How to Use Steam Facial for Oily Skin and Pimples

People try various means to get rid of pimples and oily skin. One of the best ways to keep your skin acne free, fresh and radiant, always is an easy-peasy home remedy- STEAMING! This natural, homely remedy has proved to be useful for fighting problems of pimples, acne, blackheads and similar problems.

The steam helps in skin softening by unclogging the blocked pores and cleaning accumulated dust, dirt, oil and sweat. The blood circulation also gets much better on the face skin, making it look healthy and youthful.

Steam Therapy for Sinus Problems

Steam facial at home

Many people go to cosmetic salons for getting a steam facial done. However, if you have time and patience, this facial can be done easily at home only. A steam facial has shown great results for all skin types, but should not be overdone in any way.

Doing steam facial once a week is more than enough. However, people with oily skin can do it maximum twice a week. People having extremely sensitive skin or suffering from allergies or having asthma should refrain from steam facial as these might cause other kinds of problems.

Procedure to be followed for steam facial for pimples and oily skin

The process of steam facial for oily skin will take half an hour in total maximum. Nothing much needs to be done for this mini home spa steam facial. These are the steps which need to be followed:

  • Cleaning the face thoroughly is a prerequisite before taking a steam facial at home. Use a gentle cleanser for washing the face. Avoid using a face scrub as that can make the skin sensitive. Use warm water for cleaning the face so that no dirt or impurities remain.
  • Boil, at least, ½ to 1 liter of water in a pot or pour the hot water in a wide bowl. Though some people do the steam facial only with water, some like to add various kinds of ingredients to the same to make it more effective. Various kinds of essential oils, herbs or natural ingredients can be added for enhanced effects.
  • Select the herbs or essential oils depending on your skin type. The right kinds of oils and herbs can improve the benefits of steam facial treatments. Oils and herbs, which are suitable for oily skin include green tea, lavender, tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, chamomile, mint and thin slices of lemon. Put any of these ingredients in the bowl of hot water and let the water absorb the goodness of the ingredients for about 1-2 minutes.
  • Use a towel for covering right from the head to the face. For oily skin take the steam for about 20 minutes. Ensure that the water is not very hot as it might produce a burning sensation on the face. While taking the steam, breathe deeply and relax. If taking the steam continuously is painful, take small breaks in between.
  • Once done, pat the face dry with a clean, soft towel. Follow up with a religious toning and moisturization schedule to give the skin a healthy look and feel.

Regular steaming can successfully deal with problems of pimples and acne and oily skin. Not only will you be acne free, but your skin will regain its lost vitality. Do not be surprised if you get the second look from passersby when you step outdoors!

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