Best Green Tea Peel Off Face Mask

Peel Off Face Mask

Facial peel off pack has numerous skin benefits. From gently peeling out dirt and impurities from the skin to uncovering rejuvenated, younger looking skin, brighter,  peel off mask plays an essential role in any skin care management. In this post, We described Best Green Tea Peel Off Face Mask.

Does A Green Tea Peel Off Face Mask Really Work?

A facial peel off mask not only nourishes & moisturizes your skin but also includes a plasticizing agent that builds a thin film over the face when dried. It acts to peel off dead skin on remove blackheads, face & exfoliate. There are several face peeling masks possible that are fitting for curing various skin conditions such as blackheads, treating acne, & oily skin.

You have different options like go for the peel-off facials at salons & spas or make it yourself at home. Regarding homemade peel off face mask, I suggest this versatile peel off mask that one can prepare it in your kitchen. It is safe & without any side effects. Do it right to get rid of dull skin & give youth boost to the facial skin.

Why waste time, let us only go ahead & do it in the kitchen?

Peel Off Face MaskHow To Prepare Best Green Tea Peel Off Face Mask?

Learn in this article regarding how to make and use of Green Tea Peel Off Face Mask:

Ingredients required:

1. Green Tea: half cup, brewed

2. Lemon juice: half  lemon, freshly squeezed juice

3. Honey: one tsp, darker-organic

4. Gelatin: two packets, plain & unflavored

5. Egg Whites: two

6. Vitamin E capsule: one

Benefit Of using above mentioned Ingredients:

Green Tea:

Green tea is rich sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants will give anti-aging benefits to your skin.


Lemon juice has packed with vitamin C; that presents brightening assistance to your skin. It is also the rich source of citric acid that acts as an exfoliate, which means it is very efficient in swamping off the dull, dead skin cells & assisting in generating new ones making it also more useful.


Honey serves as the humectant, so links in moisture and tightens the skin pores at the same time provides the glow to your skin.


It was used primarily to makes the mask a peel-off kind.

Egg Whites:

Egg Whites serve together with the gelatin to get rid of whiteheads.

Vitamin E Capsule:

It helps to get rid of blemishes, acne,  & further contributes to reducing the appearance of scars.

Method to prepare Green Tea Peel Off Face Mask:


Take the brewed green tea & join in the two packets of the gelatin. Mix the blend well. Extract the lemon juice on top and remove the seeds before squeezing. Blend in the honey & mix well. Cut and open the vitamin E capsule to remove its gel & join in this as well. Place the final mix in the microwave for around 20 to 25 seconds or until the gelatin is fully melted and the honey has mixed fully.


Cool, the combination. To do this, you can put the mixture in a refrigerator for approximately 10 minutes. To make certain that you do not cook the egg whites, recognize to stir in the egg whites last (whip the egg whites well before joining). Stir until you get the thick, spreadable texture.

How To Apply on the face:

1. Beginning with the clean face use the peeling-mask liberally over your face, thickly & evenly. Though you may use a makeup brush, your fingers will do a better job. Make sure the mask is thick enough so that it acts a peel off right pack afterward.

2. Let the first coat of the mask relax for about three minutes, and then apply the second layer.

3. Rest for approximately 30 minutes. When you feel the tingling or tightening sensation on the facial skin, it means it is doing its magic as well.

4. When the mask becomes hard, peel the mask off. If any portion of the layer is left back, just use the wet washcloth to wipe the areas gently to eliminate the debris.

Few more Beauty Tips for you:

Tie back the hair before using the mask.

Recognize that the mask is thick sufficient so that it efficiently works as the peeling mask.

Have you ever applied any peel off the facial mask? If yes, share the experience with us in the comments below.

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