Site-Wide Activity

  • Tips to Increase Height Naturally

    About 20 percent or more of body height depends upon our environment, activities and diet. Thus, we can increase our height in a natural way by following certain basic rules in […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Rickets is caused due to Vitamin ‘D’ deficiency

    Rickets is caused due to Vitamin ‘D’ deficiency or improper metabolism of vitamin D, calcium or phosphate. Rickets leads to softening and weakening of bones etc […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Yoga for diabetes can be practiced for keeping good health. Diabetes needs to be managed and diabetes symptoms can be observed for coping up.
    Yoga Can Cure Diabetes. Did you know that 15 minutes of yoga can […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Godhuma rava sweet recipe

    In this list today i am going to present you an easy to make Godhuma rava sweet recipe prepared using wheat Rava or Semolina. This recipe is so yummy and can be prepared without much […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Top 8 wonderful health benefits of spring onions

    Spring onions are also called as green onions are lengthily used in the continental dishes and Chinese preparations to improve the flavor and taste of dish. They […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Virat Kohli tattoo is very popular and no doubt Kohli tattoo has much to convey about the personality of the famous Indian cricket captain. These tattoos are very interesting and unique.
    Virat Kohli is a famous […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Scurvy causes due to Vitamin ‘c’ deficiency

    Scurvy is a condition caused due to vitamin c deficiency. Vitamin c is an essential compound required for synthesis of collagen and uptake of iron. The chemical name of […] Site-Wide Activity

  • How to make Shark Curry or Sura puttu recipe ?

    Todays special is Shark curry or Sura Puttu recipe. Shark cooked in this way tastes absolutely delicious.

    In this Shark curry or Sura Puttu recipe, the fish is […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Muslim Style Chicken Biryani Recipe
    Biryani is truly most celestial dish of all non-veg recipes. Muslims are expert in making delicious biryani.
    The Muslim Style Chicken Biryani recipe tastes outstanding, […] Site-Wide Activity

  • It is worth having a banana shake as it contains healthy carbs and helps one to gain weight after a prolonged illness. It is also a tasty fruit. It is a delicious smoothie and is relished by all.
    Bananas are a […] Site-Wide Activity

  •  African trypanosomiasis symptoms and treatment
    Sleeping sickness also called as African trypanosomiasis is caused due to a protozoan parasite called as Trypanosoma brucei gambiense. This disease is only seen in […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Measles also known as Rubeola
    Measles is a highly contagious infection caused by measles virus. It is also called as rubeola. The virus causing measles infection belongs to paramyxovirus family.  Once infected […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Coronavirus has caused much worry worldwide and people are taking required measures to protect themselves from the virus. It began in China and has spread elsewhere.
    Health is wealth as the saying goes and off […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Semolina or sooji is roughly ground grain frequently used in making kinds of pasta, porridge or upma. 6 Wonderful Health Benefits of Sooji or Semolina.

    Like several other types of wheat, it contains the gluten […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Top 10 health benefits of ginger tea
    Ginger tea is well known for its powerful medicinal benefits that range from the fighting nausea to reducing the menstrual pain. A sip of this healthy drink in morning not […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Suresh wrote a new post 4 years, 6 months ago

    Watermelon is a tasty fruit and keeps one hydrated in summer. It is healthy food to have as it contains several health benefits. It can be served to guests during the summer.
    It is important to eat fruits all […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Palak biryani recipe

    This recipe of palak biryani is one of the easy biryani recipe. Generally making biryani is very complicated and time consuming task. Although it is worth time but many times we do not have […] Site-Wide Activity

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