Site-Wide Activity

  • Looking beautiful is very important for a woman and conscious efforts are made to improve one’s looks. It is better to seek professional advice rather than self-methods.
    People tend to squeeze their organs t […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Make-up will indeed make a person look their best and much money is spent on looking good by many women. Beauty parlors cater to their beauty needs.
    Makeup for women highlights their positive features and makes […] Site-Wide Activity

  • It is a known fact that eyebrows do happen to be the most prominent facial feature which does highlight one’s beauty if they are in perfect shape. In other words, they do shape the face, attract attention to the e […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Save time with morning makeup routine. Rushing off to office means the morning make-up routine has to be quick and easy. Looking fresh and beautiful does matter also at the workplace.
    Every girl or woman is in a […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Makeup needs to be done well and this helps a person to look good and fresh throughout the day. It is important to choose natural and branded products.
    Beauty means having benefits of makeup. One needs to put on […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Cancer can upset a patient suffering from it as it cannot be cured. Much research is on to find a cure but so far no way out has been found.
    Cancer happens to be a deadly disease and cannot be cured. The patient […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Tuberculosis is a deadly disease and can play havoc with one’s life. Research has been on the ascertaining the drug composition meant to treat.
    The bacteria that cause tuberculosis (TB) have rather mutated and m […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Pre-diabetes needs to be tackled sensibly to prevent diabetes and it is good to control one’s dietary habits and thus maintain good health. Exercise helps.
    Researchers at the Karolinska Institute’s Aging R […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Obesity is a health issue which several people face and they try their level best to reduce as it could lead to other health complications. Medical advice needs to be taken.
    Obesity has been affecting many all […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Rising CO2, climate change reduce nutrients. The rise in carbon dioxide and climate changes do affect the nutritional levels of individuals and studies have been conducted on this aspect. Nutrition does affect […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Weight loss via 4 drinks. Weight loss is a difficult process and one has to try hard to slim down. Diet does make a different and fluid intake also matters. Take fluids that help reduce weight.
    Obese people like […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Dengue can cause much risk to one’s health and there are several breeding grounds for these dengue mosquitoes. Older people, children, and pregnant women are vulnerable.
    Dengue is one of the most important m […] Site-Wide Activity

  • An ordinary citizen can be trained in mental health first aid and can help a person suffering from it. A trained person will help to rehabilitate the affected person.

    Mental health is a major issue that […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Men who are faced with mental health issues hesitate to seek help as they feel there is a stigma attached to it. They become alcoholics and use drugs.
    People tend to ignore the stigma surrounding mental health […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Fiber intake is important more so for a pregnant woman. She needs to be well-nourished in order to avoid the risk of preeclampsia. A high fiber diet is recommended. The high-fiber diet cuts preeclampsia risk […] Site-Wide Activity

  • High fiber consumption is good for pregnant women. They must consume more fiber in the form of fruits, vegetables, etc. Fibre keeps the baby healthy in the womb. A high-fiber diet may promote a healthy […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Sugary drinks are not good for health as they can lead to cancer. People love to gulp sugary drinks, particularly at parties, but they do need to limit the intake.

    By consuming sugary drinks such as soda as […] Site-Wide Activity

  • It is better to give up alcohol as it affects a woman’s well being and her mental health. Even casual drinking among women is no good for health.

    One needs to realize that the intoxication of any substance is i […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Having diabetes? Include vitamins in the diet. One needs to have an adequate intake of vitamins particularly those suffering from diabetes. Vitamins are essential for maintaining good health. Vitamin deficiency […] Site-Wide Activity

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