Site-Wide Activity

  • In India, people usually do not feel contraceptive pills are an emergency contraception remedy. It is not made use of as a protocol in order to correct a mistake; rather it is made use of as an alibi to do the […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Vitamin E oil is one of the ingredients that can be used on face, hair, lips, nails, body, etc. It has multiple benefits and contains a very high dose of antioxidants.

    Six beauty benefits of vitamin E oil […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Biotin is essential for one’s muscle health as well as repair. It is an essential nutrient no doubt.

    1. Liver
    Three ounces of cooked (beef) liver indeed contain 30.8 micrograms of biotin. The beef liver also d […] Site-Wide Activity

  • One needs to drink an adequate amount of water daily in order to maintain overall good health as water aids in digestion, circulation, absorption and even excretion.

    How about drinking large amounts of water […] Site-Wide Activity

  • One would like to have beautiful hair and look gorgeous. For this one does need to take good care of once hair and this means good grooming in keeping the hair in a healthy condition.

    One needs to shampoo […] Site-Wide Activity

  • One might feel that to adhere to a healthy lifestyle is indeed very difficult.
    Advertisements, as well as experts, all around do give conflicting advice.
    Nevertheless, it is not all that complicated as it […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Yogurt is a delicious, multi-vitamin healthy food. Yogurt has been made by fermenting milk with surviving active cultures since Fifth Century.
    Taking cup of this white and creamy wonder food, offers excellent […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Bites that are high in protein and healthy fats and low in refined sugars are indeed very satiating foods that one can eat. These can be combined with a few sweat sessions every week, these mini munchies will […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Jobs these days to make use of computers and one has to sit in front of one for hours, thus causing much strain on one’s eyes. One has to take good care of one’s eyes and not allow them to be unnecessarily str […] Site-Wide Activity

  • One waits eagerly for one’s nail polish to dry up quickly. In fact, one requires a lot of patience as it does take some time to dry up. One may have tried all sorts of approaches and in fact even some offbeat i […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Yeast infections that occur during pregnancy are very common, especially during the second trimester of pregnancy. One may notice an increase in the amount of thin, white, odd and smelling discharge. This is […] Site-Wide Activity

  • It is important to know more about cornichon substitutes and this can be done in one’s kitchen time as well as in the local supermarket. One has to search around and also make use of it.

    Cornichon S […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Progesterone happens to be a female sex hormone that is produced mainly in one’s ovaries following ovulation each month. It is rather a crucial part of the menstrual cycle and also maintenance of p […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Anger is no doubt a heavy burden to bear, even for the best of us. That is why, over the course of our lives, it is also vitally important that we learn how to deal with it in an effective manner. Not doing so it […] Site-Wide Activity

  • What is Taurine?
    Taurine (L -Taurine or 2 – aminoethane sulphonic acid) happens to be a sulfur-containing amino acid.
    Mammals do have taurine in almost every tissue, but the heart, brain, retina, blood p […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Acorns do have lots of health benefits, that does include their ability to protect one’s heart, boost energy, improve digestion, as well as regulate blood sugar levels. These nuts also do indeed help in building s […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Aging is no doubt an inevitable process that involves the changes in a person physically, psychologically, mentally and socially. Wrinkled skin, greying hair and macular degeneration are indeed a few symptoms of […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is no doubt a chronic, fibrotic interstitial lung disease of rather an unknown origin. It has a median survival of three years but a wide range in survival rate which is indeed […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Skin care is very important as one would like a clear and healthy skin. Any problems with one’s skin can prove to be distressing. How do these problems occur? In other words, one would like to know the causes of p […] Site-Wide Activity

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