Site-Wide Activity

  • Environmental pollution and stress and strains of life make our skin look dull and listless. One’s skin gets exposed to sun, dust and other pollutants in the air and this one suffers from dark spots, dark p […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Usually, one gets used to a particular way of washing one’s hair and continues to do so, particularly women when they have to wash their kids’ hair. They might be wrong but are habituated to it, though of cou […] Site-Wide Activity

  • One must be tired of holding one’s breath and also pulling one’s tummy every time one tries on the dress. Or perhaps when admirers are around one tends to do so. One must go in for sit-ups as a flat tummy does hel […] Site-Wide Activity

  • In today’s world, people have become very fashion conscious and like to use make-up that suits their taste a well as the outfit. A sense of style prevails and one would like to look their best. Trendy look means o […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Banana is indeed packed with some vital vitamins as well as nutrients that do make banana face masks very useful as a beauty product. Bananas do protect one’s skin from free radicals and therefore delay one’s agi […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Hibiscus is indeed rich in amino acids and also vitamin C, both of which are essential hair growth nutrients. They do help nourish one’s scalp and also stimulate hair growth from dormant follicles. Hibiscus also d […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Eyes are very important and they mean a lot to a person. One has to take care of them. It is important to take care of them against everyday pollution and stress as they can cause wrinkles, dark circles, redness, […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Chinese girls are indeed beautiful with charcoal black hair as well as striking features. They have made several appearances at the Olympics, won pageants, graduated from notable universities. They have achieved a […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Japanese girls are indeed much admired all over the world for their rather encompassing youthful beauty. They are blessed with a flawless, porcelain skin and dark, silky hair, and are very attractive to look […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Summer time can mean problems with one’s skin. It is indeed a tough time. The weather can prove harsh on one’s skin. One has to take extra precautions to ensure that one’s skin glows at all time and looks healt […] Site-Wide Activity

  • In summers one has problems with one’s hair. One suffers from dryness, frizzy mess and many more. Having oily hair can be very annoying as one has to wash more often if the oil is too much. The dryness of hair c […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Frizzy and dry cab cause much discomfort and irritation. As it is, one leads a busy life and to take time out to look after one’s hair is indeed time-consuming. Nevertheless, one has to do so. It becomes e […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Are you bothered about dry and itchy scalp? An itchy feeling can irritate one and also embarrass a person. The dry scalp causes it.

    What Causes Dry Scalp?
    Dry scalp is due to dormant and/or underactive oil […] Site-Wide Activity

  • One has to ensure that dry hair is well taken care of. After all, hair is prone to breaking of strands and it also splits. Frizzy hair tends to take over as style and one has no choice at all. Nevertheless, one […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Estrogen helps in dealing with mood swings in women. After menopause the estrogen levels do come down. If a woman’s estrogen levels  fluctuates, then all the metabolic processes in her body do go haywire. She go […] Site-Wide Activity

  • It is quite normal to have nose hair. In fact, nasal hair is indeed an important part of one’s body’s immune system. However, hormonal changes can indeed lead to thick, coarse, as well as long hair growth, thu […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Fever, or pyrexia occurs when the internal body temperature goes up to a level that is considered above normal. It indicates another underlying condition usually infection.

    Average body temperature is about […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Summer means fun, frolic and no doubt happy moments. Women simply love to wear summery dresses and look their best in floral attire.
    At the same time, one has to take good care of one’s skin as during summer o […] Site-Wide Activity

  • It can be quite distressful to see a white patch in one’s hair and can be embarrassing too! The question that arises in one’s mind is how to deal with it?
    A white hair patch on one’s head is a hair disor […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Boosts Brain and Nerve Health
    Vitamins can prevent brain volume loss in the elderly. Individuals taking adequate vitamin B12 do have a lesser risk of reduced risk of brain shrinkage.
    The nutrient also does help […] Site-Wide Activity

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