Site-Wide Activity

  • Women often experience lower abdominal pain because of menstruation or menstruation. But abdominal pain is not only a question of women, men also experience this problem.
    Low abdominal pain is common and often […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Beautiful hair makes one look attractive and one finds out many ways to keep it that way. Diet plays an important role as well washing the hair in the right manner. The hair cells grow very fast and it is […] Site-Wide Activity

  • There are many benefits of breastfeeding, studies say it can also help fight postpartum depression.
    We do not talk about it out loud, but postpartum depression strikes all other mothers after delivery. It’s scary […] Site-Wide Activity

  • One has to be aware of one’s skin type to be able to identify the problem and then accordingly select the face scrub. Usually, one comes across five types of skin: normal, dry, oily, sensitive and c […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Acne is a common skin problem during pregnancy. Acne during pregnancy can be mild, moderate or even severe and can occur at any time during pregnancy. It can come and go, or it can last nine full months.
    Hormonal […] Site-Wide Activity

  • A skin care product that we all have in our wardrobe is a bottle of moisturizer. Whatever the skin type, we all need to apply a daily moisturizer to keep our skin hydrated.
    Well, hydrated skin is soft and supple […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Highlights and lowlights of hair can do wonders for your hair and make it look gorgeous and “way-out” as they say. These styles will make the heads turn around.
    Highlights’ streaks of hair are at least two shade […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Herbs help increase metabolism so that one can lose excessive weight. Many people suffer from obesity which is a major health issue. One gains weight as they tend to eat fast foods and the intake is high and […] Site-Wide Activity

  • One always wants a healthy body and makes an all out effort to keep it clean and soft. A gentle touch makes one want to feel a person more and naturally a body wash makes the skin soft and supple.
    A daily skin […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Fiber is an indigestible carbohydrate that your body needs to function properly. If you do not get enough fiber, your body will tell you.
    Fiber requirements vary with age and gender. Here are the recommended […] Site-Wide Activity

  • A spasm of the back is a common muscle problem that can be experienced when waking up and getting out of bed, lifting something heavy, or after a sudden or jerky movement. These types of spasms usually strike […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Cucumber is healthy to eat and if one makes juice of it and drinks one will gain several health benefits. It helps flush and detoxifies the body. One’s metabolism also improves.The best way out to lose weight is t […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Any type of exercise is good for your health, and water-based exercise offers a low-impact workout that can benefit you in many ways.
    When you’re in the water, your body feels about 90 percent lighter. This means […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Hunger is the worst enemy of any dieter or health conscious.
    Healthy hunger is a signal that your body needs some kind of fuel to function properly. Here, fuel means food. If you missed a meal, being hungry is […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Aamir Khan believes in a strict diet and disciplined fitness regime. He is indeed a perfectionist and takes good care of himself. His macho look makes him appealing to the opposite sex.
    His basic mantra for […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Hillary Clinton, wife of former US president Bill Clinton is diet conscious and maintains good health even during her campaign for US president last year. It would be interesting to observe how she keeps herself […] Site-Wide Activity

  • The weather becomes cold in winters and one experiences bad shivers. The way to get rid of such cold shivers is to stay warm. Winter can be harsh and both children and the elderly do feel very cold. Both need […] Site-Wide Activity

  • A common hair problem is a gray hair, especially the gray roots that appear when your hair starts to overshoot your last color job.
    For those with black or brown hair, treating gray roots can be nothing short of […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Men also like to look their best and would like to be attractive to the opposite sex. They also have taste and style and that goes for jeans styles as well.
    It would be interesting to observe some of the jeans […] Site-Wide Activity

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