Site-Wide Activity

  • 7 Amazing Health Facts For Men’s!

     46% of men feel they could better follow their physicians’ prescribed treatment plans if they received encouragement between visits.

    35% of men say they would fo […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Maanasi wrote a new post 7 years, 10 months ago

    The sex goddess of all times, Marilyn Monroe may have left us well in the sixties but her legacy lingers on. Such is her legendary, that to this day people consider inking this phenomenal icon onto their skin. We […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Maanasi wrote a new post 7 years, 10 months ago

    Wishing on a star that you were born with naturally straight locks, as opposed to your noodly, curly hair? Wish no more, for curly perms has become the fashion norm. With people opting to perm their hair by and […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Maanasi wrote a new post 7 years, 11 months ago

    Mistaken by some cultures as ominous is the raven, while others attribute its presence to mean good fortune. The most common connect that most people seem to find with ravens is that with death. Overlooked, […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Maanasi wrote a new post 7 years, 11 months ago

    The world of fashion is in a constant evolution and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon. Chola makeup is becoming by and by with more of Tinseltown’s finest sporting the look. Essentially aimed at bringing o […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Maanasi wrote a new post 7 years, 11 months ago

    Singled hued lipsticks are a little one directional, don’t you think? It’s time to step it up and welcome ombre lips with open arms. Kiss your regular lipstick goodbye and say hello to ombre lips. From the sub […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Maanasi wrote a new post 7 years, 11 months ago

    Selfless, empathetic and intuitive are the most dominant characteristics that Pisces born people possess. The term Fish Out of Water comes to mind, walking, living and breathing, of course! Misconstrue them for […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Maanasi wrote a new post 7 years, 11 months ago

    A Pride of Lions is the collective term used to describe a group of these feisty felines. It’s no wonder that people who are born Leos are just as similar in terms of personality as their leonine counterparts. P […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Maanasi wrote a new post 7 years, 11 months ago

    Sagittarians speak their mind on most occasions. But what about those few times that they don’t? If tattoos could do all the talking for you, which one would you choose? All Things Sagittarian Ta […] Site-Wide Activity

  • If there’s one hairstyle that never really went out of style, it’s emo. Attribute that to the fact that the inflections of it are aplenty, or just that it’s a very chic look to sport, we don’t know. But, by the […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Maanasi wrote a new post 7 years, 11 months ago

    There’s an unexplored plethora of shades that maroon lip colors have to offer. Toning  down the brightness of your lip color makes for a fashion statement of sophistication. Maroon lipsticks are just what you ne […] Site-Wide Activity

  • We have got a natural facial as the gift one time & it was so relaxing and skin feels great for few days. No need to spend more budget for regular facial, so in order to help you we brought this mud mask as the […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Cloves have loaded with many medicinal values. Cloves work as an antibacterial and antiviral agent. Clove oil can apply topically in order to inhibit the development of bacteria. Cloves append powerful aroma to […] Site-Wide Activity

  • A dry nose is not a severe medical situation though it is a cause for concern as it not simply results in trouble in severe cases can further result in trouble in breathing. A dry nose has caused due to many […] Site-Wide Activity

  • How to treat heat bumps on your skin quickly? Have you developed a nasty heat bumps on your skin? Not simply can this look ugly, it can further be remarkably uncomfortable, itchy & painful. Various babies and […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Guanabana is also called as Soursop is the fruit that has many benefits for our health if incorporated into your diet. By the addition of this fruit in the diet, like the dessert or health sequel, a number of […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Moringa seeds are a probably unbelievable find, with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, & cholesterol-lowering effects noted among few of their health benefits. Read to know Wonderful health benefits of Moringa […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Green Apples are few of the most nutritious and healthy fruits that have various health benefits. There are various different kinds of apples such as green apples, red apples, etc. Red apples are also common than […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Cumin seeds also called as Jeera the quintessential Indian spice is the extension to the number of recipes; be it dal or as tempering for a dish. However, did you understand that basically Indians joined this […] Site-Wide Activity

  •  Many of women get their facial hair bleached on a daily basis. It is one of the simplest ways of lightening facial hair & getting an overall also tone on the skin. However, this also happens at a price. Read […] Site-Wide Activity

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