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  • Maanasi wrote a new post 8 years, 7 months ago

    If you are fond of dumplings, tarts and different kinds of pies, Bramley apples are something you must try! These apples are consumed greatly in the UK. Like normal apples, these apples are not sweet – rather t […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Is it true that we get glowing, radiant and smooth skin from the Rose petal face pack? For ages, the rose is best known for the symbol of beauty and love. It is proven that Egyptian queen Cleopatra was applying […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Maanasi wrote a new post 8 years, 7 months ago

    Innumerable people in the world suffer from the problem of acne. While it is a common misconception that only people with oily skin can have acne breakouts, it is quite the contrary. Yes, those who have an oily […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Shimmery Eye Makeup is the one which every girl has been trying in recent days in order to look gorgeous. Are you one among them who is willing to give a rocking look to eyes? You might have also tried applying […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Maanasi wrote a new post 8 years, 7 months ago

    High levels of stress and pollution are taking a toll on the lives of people greatly. Various kinds of physical and psychological problems are developing due to these. Adverse effects of stress and pollution are […] Site-Wide Activity

  • How to get a dimple on your cheek naturally? Is the same question in your mind? A small serration over the cheeks when a person smiles are nothing but cute little dimple. Dimple is caused due to distortion of […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Among the different skin types, oily skin is hands down the most problematic one. People who have oily skin suffer from various kinds of problems including pimples, acne, whiteheads, blackheads, skin pigmentation […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Are you interested to know benefits of the diamond facial? You all know beauty is one of the precious gifts and an important aspect of a girl. A girl gives more attention in order save her beauty even if her age […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Are you one among those who are having a question How to get Chubby Cheeks? As you all know, chubby cheeks will have a significant impact on your smile. Your face looks fuller and adds more beauty to your face. […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Are varicose veins creating the problem for you & are they preventing you from having beautiful-looking legs? Do not worry, in this article, we have some helpful tips for women who want to hide and correct […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Hi Friends! How are you? Are you worried about making your skin look great! Whitening your skin, literally doesn’t mean making your skin color white. Basically, it means lightening the acne or scars on your f […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Each and every bride glows naturally with feelings of love & excitement on their particular day of marriage. On happiest wedding-day skin needs a little more planning & effort.
    In the lead-up to the big event, […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Castor Oil for Skin Pigmentation! Are you feeling interested to know about this fact? Yes, Castor oil has its own benefits out of which it is helpful in curing skin pigmentation. The oil taken out from the bean […] Site-Wide Activity

  • If you desire dates during pregnancy, you will be fascinated to know that these delicious fruits can provide the excess of nutrients to support the baby’s growth as well as elements that boost the health. Pregnant […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Grow taller after the 30s? Is it possible? Surprised! It is a general debate nowadays because reaching the age of 30 might offer the small person no reason to trail the approach of how to grow height. By that age, […] Site-Wide Activity

  • Everybody needs to get real & healthy hair. More & more people are resorting to Ayurvedic remedies for all type of problems. In Ayurveda, you have some simple steps to make the hair beautiful, healthy & vigorous. […] Site-Wide Activity

  • You might use a scrub or a pack, or a balm to treat dry lips but to retain it in the first place need two minutes to examine the food habits. Some foods can improve your skin’s elasticity & moisture & strengthen t […] Site-Wide Activity

  • According to World Health Organization (WHO), about 241 Indian children in the age group of 1 to 14 years are at the high risk of suffering from the intestinal worms, called as Soil-Transmitted Helminths (STH). […] Site-Wide Activity

  • As you become older, it is very simple to notice the white facial hair. Our body’s aging process decreases the level of melanin, which is the pigment producer for the skin as well as hair. Gray or White facial h […] Site-Wide Activity

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