How to Become Fair Quickly?


Not only women, but men too dream of having a fair, blemish free skin. While it is important to be comfortable with whatever skin color we have, it also helps to know how one can improve her complexion and make their skin look healthy and glowing and of course, fair. Read about How to Become Fair Quickly?

What can be better than getting a fair skin using some natural home remedies? Let us now have a look at some of the best, natural remedies to become fair, which can be tried from the comfort of your home.

Lemon is known for the bleaching qualities it has and one can scrub half a lemon over the face regularly to lighten the tone of the skin. This is one of the best and the most effective of the home remedies to get fair skin.

How to Become Fair Quickly?One can also use the juice taken from a potato and apply that juice over the face to get a glowing skin and also to get rid of any marks or blemishes. This can be done regularly to notice the change.

Another super veggie that can work wonders over the skin is Tomato. All one needs to do is to mash a tomato and apply the pulp over the skin to lighten the skin tone and also give it a pinkish glow.

How to Become Fair Quickly?If you have a tanned skin tone, then you can add equal quantities of lemon juice and honey and apply it over the skin. It helps get rid of the tan, and gives the skin a smooth and glowing texture.

How to Become Fair Quickly?One can mix very tiny amount of cinnamon with ½ tsp of honey and can apply it over the face. This makes the facial skin smoother and fair.

If you want to lighten the tone of the oily skin, then you can apply the mixture of lemon juice with cucumber and apply over the skin. This really works wonders.

Curd is another product that can be used to lighten the skin tone as it has lactic acid and zinc acid; both of which are known for their skin lightening properties.

How to Become Fair Quickly?If you wish to get rid of any scars on your skin, then apply some fresh coconut water on the scars regularly. The scars tend to lighten with regular use of coconut water.

One can even mix saffron with some olive oil and apply it over the skin to make the skin fair.

If you are in for a fairness mask, then take a spoon of almond oil and lemon juice and then add a spoonful of milk powder. This mask can be applied over the skin and leave it for 15 minutes and later wash it off.

People with dry skin often face problems with their skin tone. Try using the mixture of honey and cucumber juice regularly to see a difference.

The above mentioned are some easy natural remedies that can be followed at home to get a glowing and fairer skin. While one might not get a fair skin overnight, regular usage of the remedies can show a great change in your skin tone.

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