Delicious Egg Paratha Recipe For Breakfast

Delicious egg paratha recipe

Delicious Egg Paratha Recipe For Breakfast

Eggs are one of the high protein foods should have at least 2 time in a week in one meal. If you begin day with an egg on your plate you will surely pass the day with a lot of energy. Eggs are also high in the calcium and very necessary for women who are pregnant. This egg paratha recipe is easy to make and will be loved by both : young and old. To make this delicious egg paratha recipe you need only few ingredients.

What are you waiting for? Here is how you can make this delicious egg paratha recipe using the step by step process Yabibo shares with you.

Ingredients to prepare Delicious Egg Paratha Recipe

  • Eggs : 2
  • Whole wheat flour : 1 cup
  • Oil or butter for frying
  • Salt as required

Methods to prepare Delicious Egg Paratha Recipe

  1. Make dough out of atta. Add oil and salt as you would do when you prepare any roti or paratha.
  2. After dough is made, store it for 30 minutes covered with the moist muslin cloth.
  3. After time period, take a ball size lump of dough and roll it slightly using dry flour.
  4. Now spread a little oil over it and fold it in a semi circle shape.
  5. Use a little oil again and fold it along the length and roll it in a triangle shape.
  6. Cook this dough over pre-heated Tawa. Cook it well by turning it on both the sides.
  7. Pierce the egg from the top and slowly open the layer of paratha and pour the egg on it.
  8. Now spread the oil on this side and let it get golden in colour.
  9. Similarly cook on the other side till it turns golden brown. Your egg paratha is now ready to eat. Follow this same procedure for the rest of the dough.

Delicious egg paratha recipe Nutrition Tip

Eggs is one of the things you should consume at least twice in a week. It is high in proteins and the white is essential for those who are on a weight loss.


Make sure to cook the egg well in the paratha. You can make it a little extra spicy if you enjoy spicy meals.
Photo credit: DailyM: ferrie=differentieel & Jöran Maaswinkel / Bobs Furniture / CC BY-NC-SA

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