Difference between Bikram Yoga and Hot Yoga

Difference between Bikram Yoga and Hot Yoga

The other day I tackled an article that talked about Bikram Yoga for Weight Loss. I read it diligently so that I could decide whether or not to participate in a hot yoga class that was just down the road. In ignorant happiness, I almost decided, when I realized that Hot Yoga and Bikram Yoga are very different from each other. In fact, any Bikram Yoga is Hot Yoga, but all Hot Yoga is not Bikram Yoga.

Before diving into the differences, let us determine what these two forms of yoga are about.

What Is Bikram Yoga?

Bikram Yoga is a form of Hatha Yoga that is unique due to specific postures and breathing exercises that are performed in a heated room.

Bikram Choudhury is the founder of Bikram Yoga. He formulated a set of 26 yoga poses and two pranayamas. This yoga champion founded a Yoga College in Beverly Hills, California, and began teaching his yoga method, which has become one of the most popular yoga styles practiced in the West. Hollywood began to endorse this form of yoga, and its benefits have become the speech of the city.

What Is Hot Yoga?

Hot yoga is a Vinyasa practice style that includes a series of related posts. It is done in a warm room set at a particular temperature and humidity. Since this is a vigorous yoga style, you tend to sweat a lot and lose weight.

What is the difference between Bikram yoga and hot yoga?

Now that you have a fairly broad understanding of these two forms, let’s look at the details and look at the differences between the two.

1. Studio

At first, one of the first differences you will notice between the two forms of yoga is the studio. While a typical Bikram yoga studio is mirroring from one wall to another, Hot Yoga studios do not have mirrors on the wall. The reason behind this is that yoga believes mirrors are distracting. They are said to hinder all your potential awareness. This is not only counterproductive to your practice, but it also defies many yoga principles

2. Temperature

Bikram Yoga studios are usually called torture chambers. They are heated to a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius, with a moisture content of 40%.

The hot yoga studios are quite refreshing at about 35-38 degrees Celsius. The moisture levels in these classes vary.

Difference between Bikram Yoga and Hot Yoga3. Conduct

When you begin practicing these forms of yoga, you will also notice the difference between the expected behavior on your part. Bikram Yoga expects an army discipline, where you can not talk or laugh for the duration of the practice. Hot yoga is much more forgiving. You can ask questions, play music, and if the situation requires it, make a good laugh too.

4. Duration

Time is also a differentiating factor between the two practices. A class of Bikram Yoga has a set time of 90 minutes. You have to do practice in a warm room for this period without interruption.

A warm yoga class does not exceed 60 minutes. They believe you sweat, lose toxins and gain flexibility without being dehydrated in this period.

5. Postures

A Bikram Yoga class is scripted. The teacher is led to say the same things every day as you practice the 26 structured postures in the same routine with the two breathing exercises.

A hot yoga class has a varied range of asanas that are practiced in different sequences defined by the yoga teacher, according to their own style. This, in a way, allows your body to react differently to each class and change every day.

6. Schools

Bikram Yoga is a unique yoga school, which is taught according to a strict pattern. This form of yoga allows no interpretation or change of style. It focuses more on the body.

Hot Yoga is structured on different styles of yoga. You can adopt Ashtanga, Iyengar or Vinyasa, or any form that the teacher adopts.

Now that you have these indications, it will be easy to decide what form of yoga you want to take. While Bikram Yoga focuses on rigorous body training under harsh conditions, Hot Yoga adheres more to the principles of yoga, adding a bit of vigor to make the practice more effective. You can try both and make that final decision. Make sure you know what you are. Consult your doctor before doing so, as there are many contraindications involved in both forms of yoga. If you are pregnant, be clear.


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