Do You Need Dietary Supplements – 8 Benefits

Do You Need Dietary Supplements – 8 Benefits

Every pregnant woman has to put in a lot of effort on ensuring a healthy diet. Many expectant mothers do also turn to prenatal supplements to optimize their chances of producing a healthy baby and, in later years, a more “intelligent” child.

But off late experts do warn that many of these daily vitamins are of little or no use.

Once the pregnancies get over, the babies are tested at regular intervals until they were seven years old. Results do show no difference between the children’s general intelligence, language skills or overall level of IQ, whether or not their mother had taken supplements while being pregnant.

No evidence

No evidence has been found that pregnancy supplements do indeed improve the health of women or their babies.

Researchers have concluded that for most women who are rather planning to become pregnant or who are pregnant, complex multivitamin and mineral preparations do promote for use during pregnancy are indeed unlikely to be needed and are an unnecessary expense.

Folic acid is as essential as it can help to prevent birth defects that are known as neural-tube defects, that include spina bifida. Foods that do contain folate [the natural form of folic acid], such as green, leafy vegetables should also be eaten regularly. However, it is indeed rather difficult to get the amount of folate that has been recommended for pregnancy from food alone, which is why it is essential to take a folic acid supplement.

In pregnancy, women are also likely to engage in health-promoting activities and at the moment there have not been any studies that show taking prenatal supplements are more harmful to the mother as well as the baby.

Probiotics may reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia – a very serious complication for both mother and baby. Other studies also do show a positive effect on anxiety and depression.

One needs to eat healthy which includes a varied diet pre and during pregnancy will also help provide most of the vitamins as well as minerals that are needed for the mother as well as the baby. No doubt, early pregnancy can indeed be difficult with morning sickness but one can eat small amounts frequently that can help with this as well as sticking to plain foods.”

In case a woman is anemic, that is low in iron. It is better to go in for a diet that includes red meat as well as plenty of fruit and vegetables in one’s diet that can be equally effective.

If one eats healthily during pregnancy it will help one’s baby to develop and grow and keep oneself fit.

Folic acid:

Folic acid is a B vitamin that Happens to be found in some foods as well as supplement form. If one has sufficient folic acid around the time one conceives one’s baby, then there is less risk of one’s baby being born with neural tube defects such as spina bifida.

Folic acid is indeed also found in green vegetables, brown rice, orange juice, and some breakfast cereals. One can boost one’s folic acid by eating these foods, but one still needs to take a supplement in order to get the full amount one needs while one is pregnant.


One needs the extra iron when one is pregnant in order to make new blood cells for developing the baby. Many women are indeed low in iron even before they do become pregnant, so one needs to be sure to eat iron-rich foods regularly throughout one’s pregnancy.

Lean red meat is considered to be the best source of iron in one’s diet. Other good sources are of course chicken, turkey (especially the dark meat) and oily fish. The liver has also lots of iron, but avoid eating it while being pregnant as it has very high levels of vitamin A.

Other foods that do contain iron include peas, beans, lentils, eggs, whole grain bread, dried fruit, green vegetables, and some breakfast cereals. One can have salad vegetables, citrus fruits or a glass of fruit juice with meals that will boost iron absorption.

Some women are rather advised by their doctor to take iron supplements during pregnancy.

Do You Need Dietary Supplements – 8 BenefitsCalcium:

One does need extra calcium in one’s diet during pregnancy, as this allows one’s baby’s bones to grow and also develop. Dairy foods such as milk, cheese, and yogurt are also the best sources of calcium. Pregnant women need five servings of dairy foods each day. One needs to avoid unpasteurized dairy products.

Other foods that do contain some calcium include green leafy vegetables (such as broccoli or cabbage); tinned fish where the bones can be eaten (sardines, salmon); nuts; soy products; baked beans; and calcium-enriched juice drinks, bread, and breakfast cereals.

Vitamin D:

In the UK, women who are of course pregnant or breastfeeding are indeed advised to take supplements that contain 10 micrograms to get rid of vitamin D Deficiency each day. Vitamin D is only found in a small number of foods.

Fish and omega fats:

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are rather important for the developing baby’s brain as well as eyes. One will find these fatty acids in oily fish (such as herring, mackerel, sardines, salmon, trout), white fish (cod, plaice, whiting), and some vegetable oils (rapeseed, canola, flaxseed, linseed, walnut).


Vitamin A:

Too much of vitamin A can harm one’s, unborn baby. One needs to take fish liver oil or supplements that do contain vitamin A while one is pregnant. Eating liver is rather best avoided while pregnant as it is high in Vitamin A and first know about the symptoms of Vitamin A deficiency.


One must avoid alcohol completely during one’s pregnancy.


High amounts of caffeine might result in babies rather having a low birth weight, which does increase their risk of some health conditions. High amounts of caffeine can also increase the risk of miscarriage.

Under cooked or raw eggs:

These can increase the risk of salmonella food poisoning, which is a much nastier experience when one is pregnant.

Raw shellfish:

Raw or even under cooked shellfish does contain bacteria or viruses that can cause food poisoning. However, shellfish is perfectly safe to eat when it is cooked thoroughly.


One needs to avoid peanuts during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and the first three years of childhood. One can face problems if one has a history of a topic disease (asthma, eczema, etc) in the family.

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