Foods For 8 Parts Of Your Body

Foods For 8 Parts Of Your Body

Foods For 8 Parts Of Your Body

#8partsofourbody #foodsfor8partsofyourbody #body #partsofabody

Do you eat when you’re hungry or do you have at every little chance get? Well, it is said that most of the people today understand the latter.

According to the new research, more than 90 % of people are consuming the wrong type of foods which in turn is dangerous to the body.

It is not late to opt for a healthier lifestyle and with these simple food suggestions we have shared with you, I think you are all set to start the healthy and better life.

It is important to feed the body with the foods that are good for the functioning of your system. For example eating red foods are good for the heart & the blood, green foods for the eyes and so onward.

Here are some of the foods one should eat every day so that all the parts of your body has catered to, take a look at Foods For 8 Parts Of Your Body:

Foods For 8 Parts Of Your BodyBrain

Walnut, sardines, salmon and tuna are some of the best foods you can feed your brain. They would help in good circulation as well as improve your concentration.


Bananas, red meat, eggs & fish are four options to get those muscles in shape. These foods have the high content of calcium that promoted bone health.


The best type of food for the lungs is something green. Veggies like sprouts, broccoli, cabbage are some of the vitamin K foods one should feed the body with twice in a week.


Pamper the skin with foods that are rich in the antioxidants. Blueberries, salmon and green tea help to clear your complexion and flush toxins from your body thus helping you to look stunning.


Experts have always stated that carrots are the best food for your eyes. Along with the orange, veggie add eggs and corn that are productive in a lot of nutrients to treat & look after the eyes with care.


Bowels Foods that are rich in dietary fibre are the best for normal bowel movement. Add bananas, oats, prune juice to the daily diet. You can also add yoghurt to the diet to help protect you from urinary infections.


Foods that are rich in the dietary fibre are the best for normal bowel movement. Add bananas, oats, prune juice to the daily diet. You can also add yoghurt or curd to your diet to help to protect you from urinary infections.


Milk, celery & vitamin C fruits like oranges are best for the bones.They help protect your bones, especially in children.

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