Get rid of yellow teeth in 30 seconds

Get rid of yellow teeth in 30 seconds

Get rid of yellow teeth in 30 seconds

No one wants the yellow teeth. Not only is it a put-off, but yellow, impure teeth talk a lot about the personal hygiene. There are various reasons for the yellow teeth. It could be due to age or too much consumption of drinks like tea & coffee. While you might want to rely on the dentist or teeth-whitening chemicals available in the market, here is an easy way to get rid of yellow teeth in 30 seconds. All you require is some baking soda and lemon.

Baking soda is slightly coarse and acts as a scrub on the teeth as lemon juice contains citric acid that acts as the bleaching agent. As baking soda is alkaline in nature, it counteracts the acidity of lemon juice. Together as a combination, they work best for the teeth whitening.

Get rid of yellow teeth in 30 secondsHow to make this mixture?

  1. Take a spoonful of the baking soda and add lemon juice to it to form a thick paste.
  2. Apply this paste to the teeth with your toothbrush and leave it on for a minute.
  3. Wash your mouth carefully and notice the difference in colour of your teeth.
  4. Note: You can also substitute lemon juice with plain water.

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