Ginger packs for skin and hair

Ginger packs for skin and hair

Ginger, honey and lemon mask / pack for acne & deep cleansing

Ginger, when used with harmonizing ingredients like honey & lemon, could resolve list of issues in one go. Read about Ginger packs for skin and hair.


Apart from ginger, honey is humectant in nature & deep cleanses the pores. Lemons too have anti – bacterial and anti – fungal properties which help the tackling acne and blemishes with much ease.


  • Mix two grated gingers with two tablespoons of honey, along with one tablespoon of lemon juice. Refrigerate this mixture for good thirty minutes.
  • Apply this mix all over the face gently and wash off after some time.

Ginger, honey & glycerin for moisturisingGinger packs for skin and hair

A refreshing, natural moisturiser can be made with the mixture of ginger, honey & glycerin. Glycerin like ginger & honey, moisturises the skin carefully and is exceptional ingredient for dry and peeling skin.


  • Grate one ginger & add it with three tablespoon of honey and blend these ingredients well.
  • Then, mix these with ½ cup of glycerin & Dab all over the face.
  • Rinse well with the water after some time.

Ginger & olive oil head massage

If you want to area off scalp infections and excessive dandraff and stimulates the hair growth, some ginger and jojoba or olive oil would prove beneficial. Along with other oils, olive oil is useful in get rid of dandruff and enhances hair growth and soothing olive oil massage a contributes in stimulating the hair follicles, where as olive oil acts as a natural conditioner for dry, knotted & unmanageable hair.


  • Grate some ginger & mix with jojoba or olive oil.
  • Apply and massage the scalp carefully for around five minutes and leave it overnight. You can also use ginger oil.
  • Immediately the next morning, Rinse well with mild shampoo & avoid conditioners.

Photo credit:

English: Photographer: Frank C. Müller

/ Foter / CC BY-SA

Ginger packs for skin and hair

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