Health Benefits of Cabbage

Health Benefits of Cabbage

The health benefits of cabbage consist of regular use as treatment for stomach, ulcers, constipation, headaches, obesity, eczema, jaundice, skin disorders, scurvy, rheumatism, gout, eye disorders, arthritis, heart diseases, aging, and Alzheimer’s disease. Some of the health benefits of cabbage are listed below.

Health Benefits of Cabbage

Cancer Prevention:

Cabbage is a member of the ‘Brassica’ family, it is also known as cruciferous vegetables. One of the most important benefits to health is it has a powerful anti – oxidant quality. This means that cabbage and other similar vegetables search for free radicals from & around the body, which can be very harmful to overall health and Radicals are major contributors to cancer and heart disease.

Cabbage also has anti-cancer composite, like sinigrin, lupeol, and sulforaphane, which are known to stimulate enzyme activity and inhibit the growth of tumors, which can lead to cancer.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

Cabbage is known to build up of cadmium-binding compounds in its leaves, and one of the main works of that is glutamine. Glutamine is strong anti-inflammatory agent, so having cabbage can reduce the effects of many type of irritation, allergies, inflammation, joint pain, fever, and various skin disorders.

Eye Health:

Cabbage is rich source of beta-carotene, so many people, especially older people, turn to cabbage for its capability to prevent macular degeneration and generally promote the good eye health and delay of cataract formation. Beta-carotene has also positively linked to reduced chances of prostate cancer, which is an additional benefit on top of other anti-carcinogenic effects of cabbage.

Weight Loss:

Cabbage is often recommended for those people who want to lose weight in healthy way. Since cabbage consit of so many beneficial vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, it is healthy dietary option for those people who eat more, and it is fairly filling, since it has high levels of fiber, which add volume to bowels. Though, cabbage is very low in calories, only 33 calories in cup of cooked cabbage. Therefore, people can try for “cabbage soup” diet, and also eat plenty of food to stay healthy, without gaining an excess weight.

Brain Health:

Let us not forget that cabbage is very powerful brain food. The presence of Vitamin K & anthocyanins in cabbage can give strong improvement to mental function & concentration. These components are primarily found in red cabbage, and vitamin K has well-researched, although it is frequently called the “forgotten vitamin”. Vitamin K is essential in the production of sphingolipids, the myelin sheath around nerves. This packaging is what protects nerves from the damage and decay. Therefore, consuming vitamin K can improve the defense against neural degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia.

Bone Health:

Cabbage, as well as all types of cruciferous vegetables, are great sources of minerals, like magnesium, calcium, and potassium. These 3 essential minerals are integral in protection of bones from deprivation and the onset of conditions like osteoporosis & general bone weakening.

Blood Pressure:

The presence of potassium in the cabbage also makes it a wonderful way to protect from important blood pressure, which improves the risk of heart attack and stroke. Potassium is a vasodilator, which means that it opens up the blood vessels and relieves the flow of blood, so it is not being forced in stress inducing way through knotted arteries and veins. Overall, cabbage is great guard against many types of dangerous conditions.

Muscle Aches:

When positive bacteria ferment the sugars in cabbage, such as during the time of cooking of sauerkraut, lactic acid is released. It is not the easiest complex to find in the diet, but it has been shown to get rid of muscle soreness and aches, cabbage can also help from general pain relief and muscle soreness, depending on how it appears.

Detoxification by cabbage :

Cabbage acts as good detoxifier too, it means that it purifies the blood and removes the toxins or impurities, primarily gratis radicals & uric acid which are primary causes of rheumatism, renal calculi, skin diseases, gout, arthritis, and eczema. This detoxifying effect of cabbage is due to presence of the high content of vitamin C & sulphur in cabbage.

Photo credit: welovepandas / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA

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