Health Benefits of Pineapple Juice

Health benefits of pineapple juice

Health Benefits of Pineapple Juice

Pineapple juice is rich in so many vitamins & minerals, so drinking juice would help to reach your daily intake of many of these so quickly & immediately. As part of the balanced diet, pineapple juice in moderation is the great way to meet the necessary goals. What are the Health benefits of pineapple juice for our body?

Health Benefits of Pineapple Juice


Bromelain, which is a natural antioxidant, is present in the pineapple juice & when it is used in the conjunction with turmeric it is even more effectual. This combination can work even better than NSAIDs and steroids.

Aids in Digestion

The Bromelian and turmeric combination can help your body to break down proteins, which helps your body to digest things much better.

Natural antioxidant

Vitamin C is the natural anti-oxidant and pineapple juice is full of Vitamin C, therefore drinking this juice can help to boost your body’s immune system.

Energy booster

Vitamin B6, which stabilizes the body’s blood sugar, and thiamine, which is the member of B group of vitamins, are both contained in the pineapple juice, and thiamine helps to convert carbohydrates into energy, which also boosts the body’s immune system.

Kidney health

Potassium, which helps to promote the body’s kidney function, is also contained in pineapple juice.

Blood sugar regulation

Pineapple juice is helpful in stares to your blood sugar, as it plays a vital role in conversion of blood sugar to energy.

Menstrual disorder relief

Health benefits of pineapple juiceBromelain is one of contents in pineapple juice, which is said to help with the menstrual cramps. It is said that drinking it will help to relieve you of those annoying and painful cramps.

Sore throat relief

Bromelain is also helpful to relieve sore throats, so if you have a sore throat drinking pineapple juice is a good idea. It can also be used for colds as well as asthma is.

Better skin

Pineapple juice is helpful in care of skin in various ways. It is the good acne treatment, and also helps to heal wounds quickly, as enzymes that are in this juice are known for that type of healing. The synthesis of collagen, which is helpful in providing necessary elasticity of the skin, is helped from drinking pineapple juice. Skin wrinkling is cause by lack of collagen, as well as rapid ageing. So, drink pineapple juice to stay looking young and beautiful.


There are some warnings regarding consumption of pineapple juice. If you are pregnant or may be pregnant, you should limit quantity of pineapple juice you consume, as it can cause uterine contractions, which can cause a miscarriage.

Also any juice from a pineapple that is not yet ripened can be quite dangerous as well. Pineapple juice is sweet and delicious, but if consumed in large quantities, you can experience vomiting, diarrhea or even rashes on your skin.

Photo credit: Foter / GNU Free Documentation License

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